Table of Contents - SPE198: Melanges: Their Nature, Origin, and Significance

Prologue: The melange problem-a review, Loren A. Raymond and Tom Terranova

Classification of melanges, Loren A. Raymond

Early deformation in melange terranes of the Ghost Rocks Formation, Kodiak Islands, Alaska, Tim Byrne

Formation of melange in a foreland basin overthrust setting. Example from the Taconic Orogen, F. W. Vollmer and William Bosworth

Flow melanges and the structural evolution of accretionary wedges, Mark Cloos

Modern submarine sediment slides and their implications for melange and the Dunnage Formation in north-central Newfoundland, Robert D. Jacobi

Ophiolitic olistostromes in the basal Great Valley sequence, Napa County, northern California Coast Ranges, Stephen Paul Phipps

Composition and origin of the Kanar Melange, southern Pakistan, Ghulam Sarwar and Kees DeJong

An example of an obduction melange. The Alakir Çay unit, Antalya Complex, southwest Turkey, P. O. Yilmaz and J. C. Maxwell

Tectonic significance of serpentinite mobility and ophiolitic melange, Jason B. Saleeby

Epilogue: Melanges: Future studies, Loren A. Raymond