Table of Contents - SPE201: The Catskill Delta

Middle and Upper Devonian stratigraphy within the Appalachian basin, W. D. Sevon and D. L. Woodrow

Paleocontinental setting for the Catskill Delta, Dennis V. Kent

The Acadian orogeny and the Catskill Delta, Rodger T. Faill

The Catskill Delta complex and the Acadian Orogeny. A model, Frank R. Ettensohn

Paleogeography, paleoclimate, and sedimentary processes of the Late Devonian Catskill Delta, Donald L. Woodrow

Controls on development of Catskill Delta complex basin-facies, Frank R. Ettensohn

Nonmarine facies of the Middle and Late Devonian Catskill coastal alluvial plain, W. D. Sevon

Catskill Delta shallow marine strata, John M. Dennison

Upper Devonian turbidite sequence, central and southern Appalachian basin: Contrasts with submarine fan deposits, Paul D. Lundegard, Niel D. Samuels, and Wayne A. Pryor

Devonian continental ecosystems and habitats, J. Richard Beerbower

The flora of the Catskill clastic wedge, Harlan P. Banks, James D. Grierson, and Patricia M. Bonamo

Unusual marginal-marine lithofacies from the Upper Devonian Catskill elastic wedge, John S. Bridge and Mary L. Droser

Quantitative interpretation of ancient river systems is the Oneonta Formation, Catskill Magnafacies, John S. Bridge and Elizabeth A. Gordon

Relation of red-bed copper-uranium occurrences to the regional sedimentology of the Catskill Formation in Pennsylvania, Arthur T. Smith and Arthur W. Rose

Late Devonian marine ecosystems of the lower West Falls Group in New York, George R. McGhee, Jr., and Robert G. Sutton

The evolution of Frasnian marine "community-types" of south-central New York, Robert G. Sutton and George R. McGhee, Jr.

Ammonoid horizons in the Upper Devonian Genesee Formation of New York: Legacy of the Genesee, Portage, and Chemung, William T. Kirchgasser

Destruction of a Late Devonian ophiuroid assemblage: A victim of changing ecology at the Catskill Delta front, Daniel B. Sass and Robert A. Condrate