Introduction and Summary, Paul C. Lyons
Paleoenvironmental and tectonic controls of sedimentation in coal-forming basins of southeastern New England, J. W. Skehan, S. J., Nicholas Rast, and Sharon Mosher
Depositional and structural history of the Pennsylvania Anthracite region, Gordon H. Wood, Jr., Thomas M. Kehn, and Jane R. Eggleston
Origin of thick, low-sulphur coal in the Lower Pennsylvanian Pocahontas Formation, Virginia and West Virginia, Kenneth J. Englund, John F. Windolph, Jr., and Roger E. Thomas
Structural and depositional history of the Pennsylvanian System in Illinois, C. Brian Trask and James E. Palmer
Styles of coal deposition in Tertiary alluvial deposits, Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, Romeo M. Flores
Evolution of thick coal deposits in the Powder River Basin, northeastern Wyoming, Bion H. Kent
Deposition of deltaic and intermontane Cretaceous and Tertiary coal-bearing strata in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, John F. Windolph, Jr., Ralph C. Warlow, and Nelson L. Hickling
McCourt Sandstone Tongue and Glades coal bed of the Rock Springs Formation, Wyoming and Utah, Henry W. Roehler
The non-transferability of a Cretaceous coal model in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado, James E. Fassett
Paleoenvironmental and tectonic controls in major coal basins of Alaska, Roy D. Merritt