Table of Contents - SPE214: Late Quaternary Climates, Tectonism, and Sedimantation in Clear Lake, Northern California Coast Ranges

Late Quaternary climate, tectonism, and sedimentation in Clear Lake, northern California Coast Ranges, John D. Sims

Tectonic framework of the Clear Lake basin, California, B. C. Hearn, Jr., R. J. McLaughlin, and J. M. Donnelly-Nolan

Late Quaternary deposits beneath Clear Lake, California, Physical stratigraphy, age, and paleogeographic implications, John D. Sims, Michael J. Rymer, and James A Perkins

Depositional environments of the Cache, Lower Lake, and Kelseyville Formations, Lake County, California, Michael J. Rymer, Barry Roth, J. Platt Bradbury, and Richard M. Forester

Pollen zonation and proposed informal climatic units for Clear Lake, California, cores CL- 73-4 and CL- 73- 7, David P. Adam

Correlations of the Clear Lake, California, core CL- 73-4 pollen sequence with other long climate records, David P. Adam

Diatom biostratigraphy and the paleolimnology of Clear Lake, Lake County, California, J. Platt Bradbury

The Clear Lake, California, ostracode record, Richard M. Forester

Correlations and age estimates of ash beds in Late Quaternary sediments of Clear Lake, California, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, Charles E. Meyer, David P. Adam, and John D. Sims

Radiocarbon content, sedimentation rates, and a time scale for core CL- 73-4 from Clear Lake, California, Stephen W. Robinson, David P. Adam, and John D. Sims

Amino-acid diagenesis and its implication for late Pleistocene lacustrine sediment, Clear Lake, California, David J. Blunt and Keith A. Kvenvolden

Clear Lake record vs. the adjacent marine record, A correlation of their past 20, 000 years of paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic responses, James V. Gardner, Linda E. Hausser, Paula J. Quinterno, Sean M. Stone, John A. Barron, and Richard Z. Poore

Fish evolution and the late Pleistocene and Holocene history of Clear Lake, California, John D. Hopkirk

Seismicity in the Clear Lake area, California, 1975-1983, Donna Eberhart-Phillips

The thermal regime of the shallow sediments of Clear Lake, California, T. C. Urban and W. H. Diment
