Prologue, Ellen Mullen Morris and Jill Dill Pasteris
The mantle redox state, An unfinished story? Gene C. Ulmer, David E. Grandstaff, David Weiss, Mark A. Moats, Tom J. Buntin, David P. Gold, Christopher J. Hatton, Arnold Kadik, Richard A. Koseluk, and Matthias Rosenhauer
Interpretation of the sulfide assemblages in a suite of xenoliths from Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico, Edward L. Dromgoole and Jill D. Pasteris
A model of mantle metasomatism, H. G. Wilshire
Processes of mantle metasomalism; Constraints from observations of composite peridotite xenoliths, Jane E. Nielson and Jay S. Noller
Kimberlite-transported nodules from Colorado- Wyoming; A record of enrichment of shallow portions of an infertile lithosphere, David H. Eggler, M. E. McCallum, and M. B. Kirkley
Mantle metasomatism and carbonatites; An experimental study of a complex relationship, James K. Meen
Magma mixing and kimberlite genesis; Mineralogic, petrologic, and trace element evidence from eastern U.S.A. kimberlites, John W. Shervais, Lawrence A. Taylor, and J. C. Laul
A Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope study of alkaline lamprophyres and related rocks from Westland and Otago, South Island, New Zealand, Barbara A. Barreiro and Alan F. Cooper
Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd ratios of metasomatized mantle, Implications for the role of metasomatized mantle in the petrogenesis of Na2O-rich alkaline basalts, Michael F. Roden
Oceanic magmas with alkalic characteristics; Evidence from basal cumulate rocks in the Zambales ophiolite, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Cynthia A. Evans
Geochemical characteristics of boninite- and tholeiite-series volcanic rocks of the Mariana forearc and the role of an incompatible element-enriched fluid in arc petrogenesis, Sherman H. Bloomer
Alkaline and transitional subalkaline metabasalts in the Franciscan Complex mélange, California, John W. Shervais and David L. Kimbrough
A reassessment of the diamondiferous Pamali Breccia, southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia: Intrusive kimberlite breccia or sedimentary conglomerate? S. C. Bergman, W. S. Turner, and L. G. Krol
A note on newly discovered kimberlites in Riley County, Kansas, William L. Mansker, Bill D. Richards, and George P. Cole
Geology and petrography of the Twin Knobs #1 lamproite, Pike County, Arkansas, Michael A. Waldman, Tom E. McCandless, and Hugo T. Dummett
The Cretaceous Arkansas alkalic province; A summary of petrology and geochemistry, Ellen Mullen Morris
Uranium-lead age of large zircon crystals from the Potash Sulfur Springs igneous complex, Garland County, Arkansas, Robert E. Zartman and J. Michael Howard
Isotopic relationships in Arkansas Cretaceous alkalic complexes, G. R. Tilton, Sung Tack Kwon, and Donna Martin Frost
Bibliochrony of igneous rocks of Arkansas with particular emphasis on diamonds, A.J.A. Janse and P. A. Sheahan
Late Cretaceous nephelinite to phonolite magmatism in the Balcones province, Texas, D. S. Barker, R. H. Mitchell, and D. McKay
Slickrock Mountain intrusive complex, Big Bend National Park, Texas, Elizabeth Hill and Calvin G. Barnes
Geochemical comparison of alkaline volcanism in oceanic and continental settings; Clarion Island versus the eastern Trans-Pecos magmatic province, Dennis O. Nelson and Kerri L. Nelson
Alkalic rocks of contrasting tectonic settings in Trans-Pecos Texas, Jonathan G. Price, Christopher D. Henry, Daniel S. Barker, and Don F. Parker
Petrology and geochemistry of xenolith-bearing alkalic basalts from the Geronimo Volcanic Field, southeast Arizona, Evidence for polybaric fractionation and implications for mantle heterogeneity, Pamela D. Kempton, Michael A. Dungan, and Douglas P. Blanchard
Appendix. Selected Abstracts