Table of Contents - SPE216:

Paleosols and Weathering through Geologic Time



Field recognition of paleosols, Greg J. Retallack

Paleosols and the evolution of the atmosphere; Part H, Joseph P. Pinto and Heinrich D. Holland

Recognition and chemical characterization of fossil soils developed on alluvium; A Late Ordovician example, C. R. Feakes and G. J. Retallack

A paleosol interpretation for profiles exhibiting subaerial exposure "crusts "from the Mississippian of the Appalachian Basin, Frank R. Ettensohn, Garland R. Dever, Jr., and Jeffrey S. Grow

Pedogenesis of some Pennsylvanian underclays, Ground water, topographic, and tectonic controls, Thomas W. Gardner, E. G. Williams, and Philip W. Holbrook

Calcareous paleosols in the Triassic Dolores Formation, southwestern Colorado, Robert H. Blodgett

Paleosols from some Cretaceous environments in the southeastern United States, Wayne Sigleo and Juergen Reinhardt

Pedofacies analysis; A new approach to reconstructing ancient fluvial sequences, Mary J. Kraus and Thomas M. Brown

Climatic influences on rates and processes of soil development in Quaternary deposits of southern California, Leslie D. McFadden
