GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 218:

Processes in Continental Lithospheric Deformation


Axial projections and modes of crustal thickening, eastern Wopmay orogen, northwest Canadian shield, Paul F. Hoffman, Rein Tirrul, Janet E. King, Marc R. St-Onge, and Stephen B. Lucas

The tectonics of the Central Andes; 30° to 33° S latitude, Victor A. Ramos

Mesozoic and early Cenozoic magmatic evolution of the Canadian Cordillera, Richard Lee Armstrong

A possible Jurassic-Cretaceous transform system in the Alps, and the Carpathians, Rudolf Trümpy

Plate kinematics and tectonics leading to the Alpine belt formation; A new analysis, Xavier Le Pichon, Françoise Bergerat, and Marie-José Roulet

Detachment faulting in continental extension; Perspectives from the Southwestern U.S. Cordillera, Gregory A. Davis and G. S. Lister

Mechanics, growth, and erosion of mountain belts, F. A. Dahlen and John Suppe

Some simple physical aspects of the support, structure, and evolution of mountain belts, Peter Molnar and Hélène Lyon-Caen
