Table of Contents - SPE219: The Geology of Iztaccihuatl Volcano and Adjacent Areas of the Sierra Nevada and Valley of Mexico




Analytical techniques

Previous work and regional geology

Nomenclature and classification of volcanic rocks

Iztaccihuatl Volcano

K-Ar geochronometry and eruptive history
Morphology and structure of the Older Volcanic Series
Older Andesites and Dacites
Older Flank Activity
Morphology and structure of the Younger Volcanic Series
Younger Andesites and Dacites
Younger Flank Activity
Mineralogy and petrography
Older Andesites and Dacites
Older Flank Activity
Younger Andesites and Dacites
Younger Flank Activity
Pyroclastic breccias
Hydrothermal alteration

Other volcanic rocks of the Sierra Nevada

lztaltetlac cone
Papayo dacite
Buenavista dacite
Rio Frio pumice deposit

Volcanic rocks of the Valley of Mexico: Chichináutzin Group

Tephra deposits

Epiclastic volcanic breccias, loess, and alluvial deposits

Glaciation and glacial deposits

Older tills and till-like sediments
Nexcoalango till
Hueyatlaco till
Milpulco till
Ayoloco till




References cited