Table of Contents - SPE221: The Late Cretaceous San Juan Thrust System, San Juan Islands, Washington




Previous work
Use of stratigraphic and tectonostratigraphic terms
Regional setting
Overview of the San Juan Islands

Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic rocks of the thrust system

Turtleback terrane: Paleozoic plutonic and volcanic rocks
Composition and age of the Turtleback Complex
Stratigraphy and age of the East Sound Group
Origin of the Turtleback and East Sound units
Regional correlation of the Turtleback and East Sound units
Deadman Bay terrane: Permian-Lower Jurassic chert, basalt, and limestone
Stratigraphy and age of the Deadman Bay Volcanics
Stratigraphy and age of the Orcas Chert
Origin and tectonic setting
Regional correlation
Garrison terrane: Permo-Triassic mafic schist
Structural relationships
Origin and tectonic setting
Regional correlation

Upper Mesozoic rocks of the thrust system

Constitution Formation: Upper Mesozoic elastic sequence
Provenance of clastic rocks
Origin and tectonic setting
Regional correlation
López Structural Complex: Late Cretaceous imbricate fault zone
Rock units and ages
Internal structural relations
Decatur terrane: Upper Mesozoic ophiolite, arc, and clastic sequence
Composition and age of the Fidalgo Complex
Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the Fidalgo Complex
Stratigraphic and age of the Lummi Formation
Metamorphism of Decatur rocks
Regional correlation

External units: Mesozoic units forward of, and below, the San Juan thrust system

Haro terrane: Upper Triassic and Jura-Cretaceous volcaniclastic units
Haro Formation (Upper Triassic)
Spieden Group (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous)
Nanaimo Group: Upper Cretaceous syn-orogenic clastic sequence

Post-orogenic unit. The Eocene Chuckanut Formation

High-pressure metamorphism and its relation to thrusting

Terrane accretion and Late Cretaceous thrusting

Concluding remarks


A. Summary of fossil ages and isotopic dates
B. Summary of geochemical analyses

References cited