Table of Contents - SPE224: Structure across a Mesozoic Ocean-Continent Suture Zone in the Northern Sierra Nevada, California




Previous Work

Geologic Setting

Rock Units

Shoo Fly Complex
Feather River peridotite
Serpentinized ultramafic rocks
Gabbroic rocks
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the Feather River peridotite
Devils Gate ophiolite
Gabbro unit
Dike complex
Volcanic unit
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the Devils Gate ophiolite
Red Ant Schist
Calaveras Complex
Volcanic unit
Phyllite unit
Chert unit
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the Calaveras Complex
Fiddle Creek Complex
Indian Creek ophiolitic mélange
Owl Gulch volcanics
Clipper Gap Formation
Colfax sequence(?)
Contact relations within the Fiddle Creek Complex
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the Fiddle Creek Complex
Slate Creek Complex
Serpentinite unit
Plutonic unit
Volcanic unit
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the Slate Creek Complex
Late plutonic rocks
Gabbroic rocks
Granitic rocks
Age, correlation, and interpretation of the late plutonic rocks

Metamorphic History


Earlier faults
Field relations
Age and interpretation of the earlier faults
Slate Creek thrust
Field evidence for the Slate Creek thrust
Displacement on the Slate Creek thrust
Age and problems of correlation of the Slate Creek thrust
Late folds and faults
Displacements on the later faults
Age of the later folds and faults
Evidence for earlier cryptic faults
Shoe Fly-Feather River fault
Feather River-Red Ant fault
Red Ant-Calaveras fault
Calaveras-Fiddle Creek fault
Earlier cryptic faults as a west-vergent thrust system
Fabric elements restricted to individual units
Shoe Fly Complex
Feather River peridotite
Devils Gate ophiolite
Red Ant Schist
Calaveras Complex
Indian Creek ophiolitic mélange
Bedding and fabrics shared by several units
Bedding So
First or only foliation S1
First or only lineation L1
Scales shear zone

Structural chronology

Kinematic interpretation of fabrics

Kinematics of fabrics along the Slate Creek thrust
Kinematics of later structures
Regional correlation of faults
Slate Creek thrust
Major throughgoing faults

Terrane Analysis

Tectonic Implications


References Cited