GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 230:

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Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens

Caledonian terranes in Svalbard, Y. Ohta, R. D. Dallmeyer, and J. J. Peucat

Terranes and polyphase accretionary history in the Scandinavian Caledonides, Michael B. Stephens and David G. Gee

Penobscottian-Grampian-Finnmarkian orogenies as indicators of terrane linkages, Robert B. Neuman and Michael D. Max

Pre-Alleghanian terrane tectonics in the British and Irish Caledonides, Donald H. W. Hutton

Suspect terrane definition in Anglesey, North Wales, Wes Gibbons

Tectonostratigraphic units in the Variscan belt of central Europe, Wolfgang Franke

Pre-Alpine terranes and tectonic zoning in the eastern Alps, Wolfgang Frisch and Franz Neubauer

Major tectonostratigraphic units of the Bohemian Massif, Josef Chaloupsky

Variscan terranes in Morocco, Alain Piqué

Definition of tectonostratigraphic terranes in the Mauritanide, Bassaride, and Rokelide orogens, West Africa, J. P. Lécorché, R. D. Dallmeyer, and M. Villeneuve

Precambrian terranes of Benin-Nigeria and northeast Brazil and the Late Proterozoic south Atlantic fit, Renaud Caby

Northern Appalachian terranes and their accretionary history, J. Duncan Keppie

Avalonian terranes and late Paleozoic tectonism in southeastern New England; Constraints and problems, L. Peter Gromet

Tectonostratigraphic terranes and their Paleozoic boundaries in the central and southern Appalachians, J. Wright Horton, Jr., Avery Ala Drake, Jr., and Douglas W. Rankin

Contrasting accreted terranes in the southern Appalachian orogen and Atlantic-Gulf Coastal Plains and their correlations with West African sequences, R. D. Dallmeyer
