Petrology and tectonic affinity of the Baltimore mafic complex, Maryland, Barry B. Hanan and A. Krishna Sinha
Review and classification of ultramafic bodies in the Piedmont of the Carolinas, J. Robert Butler
Metamorphosed chromitite in the Falls Lake mélange, North Carolina Piedmont, Edward F. Stoddard, Albert S. Wylie, Jr., and David E. Blake
The Hammett Grove Meta-igneous Suite; A possible ophiolite in the northwestern South Carolina Piedmont, Steven K. Mittwede
Ultramafic chlorite-tremolite-olivine schists; Three bodies from the Inner Piedmont belt, South Carolina, Richard D. Warner, Villard S. Griffin, Jeffrey C. Steiner, Roman A. Schmitt, and J. Gregory Bryan
The Burks Mountain complex, Kiokee belt, southern Appalachian Piedmont of South Carolina and Georgia, Paul E. Sacks, Harmon D. Maher, Jr., Donald T. Secor, Jr., and John W. Shervais
The origin of ultramafic rocks from the Berner mafic complex, central Georgia, Robert J. Hooper and Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Base and precious metal stream-sediment geochemistry related to mafic- ultramafic bodies in the Alabama and adjacent Georgia Inner Piedmont, Robert B. Cook, Jr.