Geochronology and temperature history of the Nanga ParbatHaramosh Massif, Pakistan, Peter K. Zeitler, John F. Sutter, Ian S. Williams, Robert Zartman, and R.A.K. Tahirkheli
A petrologic record of the collision between the Kohistan Island-Arc and Indian Plate, northwest Himalaya, C. Page Chamberlain, M. Qasim Jan, and Peter K. Zeitler
The Bhagirathi leucogranite of the High Himalaya (Garhwal, India); Age, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications, C. R. Stern, R. Kligfield, D. Schelling, N. S. Virdi, K. Futa, Z. E. Peterman, and H. Amini
Metamorphic, magmatic, and tectonic evolution of the central Karakoram in the Biafo-Baltoro-Hushe regions of northern Pakistan, M. P. Searle, A. J. Rex, R. Tirrul, D. C. Rex, A. Bamicoat, and B. F. Windley
The Chilas Mafic- Ultramafic Igneous Complex; The root of the Kohistan Island Arc in the Himalaya of northern Pakistan, M. Asif Khan, M. Qasim Jan, Brian F. Windley, John Tarney, and Matthew F. Thirlwall
Overview of the geology and structure of the Salt Range, with observations on related areas of northern Pakistan, E. R. Gee
Early Pliocene uplift of the Salt Range; Temporal constraints on thrust wedge development, northwest Himalaya, Pakistan, Douglas W. Burbank and Richard A. Beck
Tectonic and geomorphic implications of Siwalik Group heavy minerals, Potwar Plateau Pakistan, P. F. Cerveny, N. M. Johnson, R.A.K. Tahirkheli, and N. R. Bonis
Basement-cover imbrication south of the Main Mantle Thrust, north Pakistan, Peter J. Treloar, Michael P. Coward, Mathew P. Williams, and M. Asif Khan
Trans-Himadri intracrustal fault and basement upwarps south of Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone, K. S. Valdiya
The northwestern Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, Evidence for crustal uplift at the northwestern corner of the Indian Craton, I. P. Madin, R. D. Lawrence, and Shafiq Ur-Rehman
Structural setting of the Skardu intermontane basin, Karkoram Himalaya, Pakistan, Vincent S. Cronin
The northern suture in the Shigar Valley, Baltistan, northern Pakistan, Carl R. Hanson
Subsurface densities and lithospheric flexure of the Himalayan foreland in Pakistan, Yannick Duroy, Abul Farah, and Robert J. Lillie
Crustal thickness estimates for the western Himalaya, Lawrence L. Malinconico, Jr.
Active faults of the Himalaya of India and Nepal, T. Nakata
Zone of Late Quaternary deformation in the southern Peshawar Basin, Pakistan, Robert S. Yeats and Ahmad Hussain
Quaternary glacial chronology and neotectonics in the Himalaya of northern Pakistan, John F. Shroder, Jr., M. Saqib Khan, Robert D. Lawrence, Ian P. Madin, and Sean M. Higgins
Chronostratigraphy of the upper Cenozoic Bunthang sequence and possible mechanisms controlling base level in Skardu intermontane basin, Karakoram Himalaya, Pakistan, Vincent S. Cronin, William P. Johnson, Noye M. Johnson, and Gary D. Johnson