Table of Contents - SPE235: Proterozoic Geology of the Southern Rocky Mountains


A review of the geology and structure of the Cheyenne belt and Proterozoic rocks of southern Wyoming, R. S. Houston, E. M. Duebendorfer, K. E. Karlstrom, and W. R. Premo

Zircon geochronology of Precambrian rocks in southeastern Wyoming and northern Colorado, Wayne R. Premo and W. R. Van Schmus

U-Pb geochronology of the Proterozoic volcano-plutonic terrane in the Gunnison and Salida areas, Colorado, M. E. Bickford, R. D. Shuster, and S. J. Boardman

U-Pb zircon geochronology of Proterozoic and Cambrian plutons in the Wet Mountains and southern Front Range, Colorado, M. E. Bickford, R. L. Cullers, R. D. Shuster, W. R. Premo, and W. R. Van Schmus

Proterozoic geology of the Needle Mountains, A summary, Barbara J. Tewksbury

Mid-Proterozoic postorogenic granites, and associated uranium mineralization of the Needle Mountains, southwestern Colorado, James D. Collier

The role of crustal extension in the metamorphism of Proterozoic rocks in northern New Mexico, Jeffrey A. Grambling, Michael L. Williams, Roger F. Smith, and Christopher K. Mawer

Proterozoic supracrustal rocks am plutons of the Cimarron Canyon area, north-central New Mexico, Reinhard A. Wobus

Geology and geochemistry of early Proterozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Pecos greenstone belt, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, James M. Robertson and Kent C. Condie

Geochronologic study of Precambrian rocks of the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, Douglas G. Brookins and Arun Majumdar

Early recumbent folding during Proterozoic orogeny in central Arizona, Karl E. Karlstrom
