Implications of ecological energetics and biophysical and developmental constraints for life-history variation in dinosaurs, Arthur E. Dunham, Karen L. Overall, Warren P. Porter and Catherine A. Forster
Modern analogs for dinosaur nesting and parental behavior, Walter P. Coombs, Jr.
Paleoecology and hypsilophodontid behavior at the Proctor Lake dinosaur locality (Early Cretaceous), Texas, Dale A. Winkler and Phillip A. Murry
Temperature-dependent sex determination in dinosaurs? Implications for population dynamics and extinction, Frank V. Paladino, Peter Dodson, Joel K. Hammond, and James R. Spotila
Functional morphology of the hindfoot of the Texas sauropod Pleurocoelus sp. indet., Marc R. Gallup
Alamosaurus and the sauropod hiatus in the Cretaceous of the North American Western Interior, Spencer G. Lucas and Adrian P. Hunt
Vertebrate herbivory in the Mesozoic, Jaws, plants, and evolutionary metrics, David B. Weishampel and David B. Norman