Table of Contents - SPE240: Style and Mechanics of Liquefaction-Related Deformation, Lower Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup (Eocene), Wyoming




Geographic and geologic setting
Review of previous work
Stratigraphic investigations
Structural investigations
This research
Definition of the problem
Methods and procedures

An overview of pre-middle Eocene stratigraphy and geologic history of northwestern Wyoming

Precambrian rock units and events
Paleozoic stratigraphy and events
Mesozoic and lowermost Cenozoic stratigraphy and the Laramide orogeny

Stratigraphy of the Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup in the east-central Absaroka Range

Volcanic facies relations
Epiclastic units
Pyroclastic units
Lava flows and minor intrusions
Description and correlation of AVS units

Structural style and kinematics of early middle Eocene deformation in the Wapiti and Aycross Formations Introduction

Type 1 domains: Tight to isoclinal overturned folds
Type 2 domains: Layer-parallel shearing structures
Type 3 domains: Gently dipping truncation surfaces
Summary of kinematics in domains of Types 1 through 3
Type 4 domains: Liquefaction and chaotic dismemberment
Discussion of classification scheme

Infinite-slope computer modeling of (Type 1) fold development in the Aycross Formation, Timber Creek area

Method and procedure
Description of the computer model

Role of liquefaction in (Type 4) deformation of the Wapiti and Aycross Formations

Liquidization: Distinguishing among processes
Mechanical theory of liquefaction and cyclic mobility
Structural evidence of liquefaction in middle Eocene deformation
Conditions of deformation
Liquefaction and related deformation of historic earthquakes

Early Cenozoic deformational history and stratigraphic development

Early Eocene
Early middle Eocene
Relation between liquefaction-related deformation and Heart Mountain faulting
Middle to late Eocene
Late Eocene or later


Summary of stratigraphic development in the AVS
Summary of early middle Eocene structural development

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

References Cited