The Paleozoic and Andean magmatic arcs of West Antarctica and southern South America, Robert John Pankhurst
The evolution of the Antarctic Peninsular magmatic arc; Evidence from northwestern Palmer Land, Stephen M. Harrison and Bernary A. Piercy
Mesozoic "S-like " granites of the central and southern Andes, A review, M. Suarez, J. A. Naranjo, and A. Puig
The Patagonian batholith at 48S latitude, Chile, Geochemical and isotopic variations, Stephen G. Weaver, Robert Bruce, Eric P. Nelson, Hannes K. Brueckner, and Ann P. LeHuray
Granitoid plutonism in central Chile and its geodynamic implications; A review, Miguel A. Parada
Geochemical evolution of granites from the Achala batholith of the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina, Raul Lira and Alicia M. Kirschbaum
Granite plutonism of the Sierras Pampeanas; An inner cordilleran Paleozoic are in the southern Andes, Carlos W. Rapela, Alejandro Toselli, Larry Heaman, and Julio Saavedra
Petrology and geochemistry of the Cachi high-alumina trondhjemites, northwestern Argentina, Miguel A. Galliski, Alejandro J. Tosselli, and Julio Saaverdra
Pre-Mesozoic evolution of the central Andes; The basement revisited, K.-W. Damm, S. Pichowiak, R. S. Harmon, W. Todt, S. Kelley, R. Omarini, and H. Niemeyer
Magmatic activity and tectonic setting of the early stages of the Andean cycle in northern Chile, S. Pichowiak, M. Buchelt, and K.-W. Damm
Tin-bearing granites from the Cordillera Real, Bolivia; A petrological and geochemical review, Waldo Arturo Avila-Salinas
Implications of the time-dependent evolution of Pb- and Sr-isotopic compositions of Cretaceous and Cenozoic granitoids from the coastal region and the lower Pacific slope of the Andes of central Peru, Pierre Soler and Nelly Rotach-Toulhoat
Relation of magmatic activity to plate dynamics in central Peru from Late Cretaceous to present, Pierre Soler and Michel G. Bonhomme
A comparison of granites and their tectonic settings from the South American Andes and the Southeast Asian tin belt, E. J. Cobbing
Cenozoic arc magmatism of northwestern Colombia, Jorge Julian Restrepo and Jean Francois Toussaint
Phanerozoic plutonism in the Cordilleran Interior, U.S.A, Calvin F. Miller and Mark D. Barton
Calc-alkaline plutonism in the intraoceanic Aleutian arc, Alaska, S. Mahlburg Kay, R. W. Kay, G. P. Citron, and M. R. Perfit