Table of Contents - SPE242: Establishment of a Geologic Framework for Paleoanthropology

The provision of time depth for paleoanthropology, Donald K. Grayson

Origins of Quaternary-Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphic terminology, William R. Farrand

Olduvai Gorge, A case history in the interpretation of hominid paleoenvironments in East Africa, Richard L. Hay

The establishment of a chronological framework for the hominid-bearing deposits of Java, A historical survey, B. Theunissen, J. de Vos, P. Y. Sondaar, and F. Aziz

The Antevs-Bryan years and the legacy for Paleoindian geochronology, C. Vance Haynes, Jr.

History of the dating of Homo erectus at Zhoukoudian, Zhou Ming Zhen and Ho Chuan Kun