GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 243:

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Dawn of the Age of Mammals in the Northern Part of the Rocky Mountain Interior


Late Cretaceous (earliest Campanian/Maastrichtian) evolution of western shorelines of the North American Western Interior Seaway in relation to known mammalian faunas, Jason A. Lillegraven and Lawrence M. Ostresh, Jr.

Mammalian zonation near the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, J. David Archibald and Donald L. Lofgren

The succession of Paleocene mammals in western Canada, Richard C. Fox

The biogeographic origins of late Paleocene-early Eocene mammalian immigrants to the Western Interior of North America, David W. Krause and Mary C. Maas

Postcranial skeletal remains and adaptations in early Eocene mammals from the Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Kenneth D. Rose

Systematic lateral variation in the distribution of fossil mammals in alluvial paleosols, lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Wyoming, Thomas M. Bown and K. Christopher Beard

A statistical assessment of last appearances in the Eocene record of mammals, Catherine Badgley

Geology, vertebrate fauna, and paleoecology of the Buck Spring Quarries (early Eocene, Wind River Formation), Wyoming, Richard K. Stucky, Leonard Krishtalka, and Andrew D. Redline

Mammals of the Bridgerian (middle Eocene) Elderberry Canyon, Local Fauna of eastern Nevada, Robert J. Emry

Plagiomenids (Mammalian: ?Dermoptera) from the Oligocene of Oregon, Montana, and South Dakota, and middle Eocene of northwestern Wyoming, Malcolm C. McKenna
