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Table of Contents - Special Paper 245:

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Geology of the Composite Avalon Terrane of Southern New England

Late Precambrian-early Paleozoic arc-platform transitions in the Avalon terrane of the Northern Appalachians; Review and implications, R. Damian Nance

Pre-Mesozoic evolution of Avalon terranes of southern New England, James W. Skehan and Nicholas Rast

Stratigraphic implications of facies within the Boston Basin, Anthony D. Socci and Geoffrey W. Smith

Late Precambrian sedimentary geology of the Boston Basin, Geoffrey W. Smith and Anthony D. Socci

Ash-flow stratigraphy in the Mattapan Volcanic Complex, greater Boston, Massachusetts, Margaret D. Thompson and O. Don Hermes

Geochemical distinctions of late Proterozoic and Paleozoic volcanism in the Avalon zone of New England, O. Don Hermes and D. P. Murray

Geochemical constraints on the paleotectonic setting of two late Proterozoic mafic volcanic suites, BostonAvalon zones, eastern Massachusetts, Kelly Durfee Cardoza, J. Christopher Hepburn, and Rudolph Hon

Mafic dikes of the Avalon Boston terrane, Massachusetts, Martin E. Ross

The New Bedford area, A preliminary assessment, D. P. Murray, O. D. Hermes, and T. S. Duham

Subsurface identification of Merrimack, Putnam-Nashoba, and metavolcanic Avalon terrane rocks, and ductile to brittle fault rocks in the 1.4.5-kilometer-deep research hole, Moodus, Connecticut, C. P. Ambers and R. P. Wintsch

Geochemical and geological criteria for the discrimination of high-grade gneisses of intrusive and extrusive origin, eastern Connecticut, R. P. Wintsch, J. R. Webster, J. A. Bemitz, and J. S. Fout

Thrust napping versus fold napping in the Avalon terrane of southeastern Connecticut, R. P. Wintsch, M. S. Andrews, and C. P. Ambers

The late Proterozoic geologic setting of the Boston Basin, Nicholas Rast and James W. Skehan
