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Table of Contents - Special Paper 246: |
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Ore-Bearing Granite Systems; Petrogenesis and Mineralizing Processes |
Magmatic and hydrothermal processes in ore-bearing systems, Judith L. Hannah and Holly J. Stein Theoretical constraints on the chemistry of the magmatic aqueous phase, Philip A. Candela Partitioning of F and Cl between magmatic hydrothermal fluids and highly evolved granitic magmas, James D. Webster and John R. Holloway Internal differentiation of rare-element pegmatites; A synthesis of recent research, David London The petrogenetic and metallogenetic significance of topaz granite from the southwest England orefield, D.A.C. Manning and P. I. Hill The role of fluorine in the petrogenesis of magmatic segregations in the St. Francois volcano-plutonic terrane, southeastern Missouri, P. I. Nabelek and C. Russ-Nabelek Melt inclusions in the quartz phenocrysts of rhyolites from Topaz and Keg Mountains, Thomas Range, Utah, Christine Payette and Robert F. Martin Rare-metal enriched peraluminous rhyolites in a continental arc, Sierra Blanca area, Trans-Pecos Texas, Chemical modification by vapor-phase crystallization, Jonathan G. Price, Jeffrey N. Rubin, Christopher D. Henry, Thomas L. Pinkston, Steven W. Tweedy, and David W. Koppenaal Comparative petrologic evolution of the Sn and W granites of the Fairbanks-Circle area, interior Alaska, R. J. Newberry, L. E. Bums, S. E. Swanson, and T. E. Smith Mineralogical variation as a guide to the petrogenesis of the tin granites and related skarns, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Samuel E. Swanson, Rainer J. Newberry, Gary A. Coulter, and Thomas M. Dyehouse Geochemistry of highly fractionated I- and S-type granites from the tin-tungsten province of western Tasmania, W. N. Sawka, M. T. Heizler, R. W. Kistler, and B. W. Chappell Genesis and fluid evolution of the East Kemptville greisenhosted tin mine, southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada, Jean M. Richardson, Keith Bell, David H. Watkinson, and John Blenkinsop Mica chemistry as an indicator of oxygen and halogen fugacities in the Can Tung and other W-related granitoids in the North American Cordillera, W. T. van Middelaar and J. D. Keith The Black Pearl mine, Arizona; Wolframite veins and stockscheider pegmatite related to an albitic stock, Christopher Schmitz and Donald M. Burt Genesis of the rhyolite-hosted tin occurrences in the Black Range, New Mexico, as indicated by stable isotope studies, Robert O. Rye, John L. Lufkin, and Michael D. Wasserman Eruptive fountains of silicic magma and their possible effects on the tin content of fountain-fed lavas, Taylor Creek Rhyolite, New Mexico, Wendell A. Duffield Origin of Taylor Creek rhyolite magma, Black Range, New Mexico, based on Nd-Sr isotope studies, Cadi Reece, Joaquin Ruiz, Wendell A. Duffield, and P. Jonathan Patchett Petrogenesis of the Proterozoic rapakivi granites of Finland, Ilmari Haapala and O. Tapani Rämö The Topsails igneous suite, western Newfoundland; Fractionation and magma mixing in an "orogenic" A -type granite suite, Joseph B. Whalen and Kenneth L. Currie Anorogenic, bimodal emplacement of anorthositic, charnockitic, and related rocks in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, James McLelland and Philip Whitney Geochemistry and metallogeny of Arizona peraluminous granitoids with reference to Appalachian and European occurrences, Anne L. Shaw and John M. Guilbert Index |