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Table of Contents - Special Paper 247: |
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Global Catastrophes in Earth History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality |
The "facts" of mass extinctions, Karl W. Flessa
Periodicity in flood basalts, mass extinctions, and impacts, A statistical view and a model, Richard B. Stothers and Michael R. Rampino
On impacts as a cause of geomagnetic field reversals or flood basalts, David E. Loper and Kevin McCartney
Impact as a general cause of extinction: A feasibility test, David M. Raup
The taxonomic structure of periodic extinction, J. John Sepkoski, Jr.
Iridium abundance patterns across bioevent horizons in the fossil record, C. J. Orth, M. Attrep, Jr., and L. R. Quintana
Carbon-isotope anomalies at era boundaries; Global catastrophes and their ultimate cause, Kenneth J. Hsü and Judith A. McKenzie
Chondritic metal toxicity as a seed stock kill mechanism in impact-caused mass extinctions, Stewart A. Davenport, Thomas J. Wdowiak, Daniel D. Jones, and Patricia Wdowiak
Effects of global atmospheric perturbations on forest ecosystems in the Northern Temperate Zone, Predictions of seasonal depressed-temperature kill mechanisms, biomass production, and wildlife soot emissions, Richard W. Tinus and David J. Roddy
A search for Nemesis; Current status and review of history, S. Perlmutter, R. A. Muller, C. R. Pennypacker, C. K. Smith, L. P. Wang, S. White, and H. S. Yang
Interdisciplinary aspects of research on impacts and mass extinctions, A personal view, Walter Alvarez
Assessment of the atmospheric impact of volcanic eruptions, Haraldur Sigurdsson
Iridium and other trace-metal enrichments from Hawaiian volcanoes, D. L. Finnegan, T. L. Miller, and W. H. Zoller
Deccan volcanism, greenhouse warming, and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, Kenneth G. Caldeira and Michael R. Rampino
A paradigm for endogenous causation of mass extinctions, Kevin McCartney, Alan R. Huffman, and Marian Tredoux
Explosive volcanism and associated pressures; Implications for models of endogenically shocked quartz, S. L. de Silva, J. A. Wolff, and V. L. Sharpton
M. Observations and Effects of Large-Scale Meteorite Impact and its revolutionary implications for geology, Ursula B. Marvin
Asteroid and comet flux in the neighborhood of Earth, Eugene M. Shoemaker, Ruth F. Wolfe, and Carolyn S. Shoemaker
The cometary impactor flux at the Earth, Paul R. Weissman
Application of the inner Solar System cratering record to the Earth, Nadine G. Barlow
Search for the Tunguska event relies in the Antarctic snow and new estimation of the cosmic iridium accretion rate, Robert Rocchia, Philippe Bonté, Célestine Jéhanno, Eric Robin, Martine de Angelis, and Daniel Boclet
The formation of the Ries Crater, West Germany; Evidence of atmospheric interactions during a large cratering event, Horton E. Newsom, Gunther Graup, David A. Iseri, John W. Geissman, and Klaus Keil
Geology, geophysics, and geochronology of the Manson impact structure, Jack B. Hartung, Michael J. Kunk, and Raymond R. Anderson
Comets and extinctions; Cause and effect? Lubomir F. Jansa, Marie-Pierre Aubry, and Felix M. Gradstein
The Karal/Ust-Kara twin impact structure, A large-scale impact event in the late Cretaceous, Christian Koeberl, Virgil L. Sharpton, T. Mark Harrison, David Sandwell, A. V. Murali, and Kevin Burke
Prolonged global catastrophes from oblique impacts, Peter H. Schultz and Donald E. Gault
Global environmental effects of impact-generated aerosols, Results from a general circulation model, Curt Covey, Steven J. Ghan, John J. Walton, and Paul R. Weissman
Atmospheric chemistry by large impacts, Kevin J. Zahnle
Atmospheric erosion and impactor retention in large impacts, with application to mass extinctions, Ann M. Vickery and H. Jay Melosh
Meteorite impact cryptoexplosion and shock metamorphism A perspective on the evidence at the KIT boundary, V. L. Sharpton and R.A.F. Grieve
Chemistry and mineralogy across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at DSDP Site 527, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean, Alan R. Huffman, James H. Crocket, Neville L. Carter, Peter E. Borelia, and Charles B. Officer
Shocked quartz and more, Impact signatures in Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary clays, Bruce F. Bohor
A closer look at cathodoluminescence of shocked quartz at the KIT boundary, Michael R. Owen, Mark H. Anders, April A. Barber, Peter D. Condon, and Mark G. Houghton
Detritus in KIT boundary clays of western North America; Evidence against a single oceanic impact, V. L. Sharpton, B. C. Schuraytz, K. Burke, A. V. Murali, and G. Ryder
The significance of magnetic spheroids and magnesioferrite occurring in KIT boundary sediments, Stanley M. Cisowski
Trace-element geochemistry and mineralogy of the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary; Identification of extraterrestrial components, Eric Doehne and Stanley V. Margolis
Early environmental effects of the terminal Cretaceous impact, Iain Gilmour, Wendy S. Wolbach, and Edward Anders
Major wildfires at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, Wendy S. Wolbach, lain Gilmour, and Edward Anders
Deccan volcanism at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary; Data and inferences, V. Courtillot, D. Vandamme, J. Besse, J. J. Jaeger, and M. Javoy
Boundaries; A stratigraphic and sedimentologic perspective, Joanne Bourgeois
Diachronous extinctions at the KIT boundary; A scenario, Hans Jorgen Hansen
The Cretaceous/Tertiary extinctions in the marine realm; A 1990 perspective, Peter Douglas Ward
Megafloral change across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, U.S.A, Kirk R. Johnson and Leo J. Hickey
Plant microfossil record of the terminal Cretaceous event in the western United States and Canada, Douglas J. Nichols and R. Farley Fleming
Palynofloral response to KIT boundary events, A transitory interruption within a dynamic system, A. R. Sweet, D. R. Braman, and J. F. Lerbekmo
Faunal, erosional, and CaCO3 events in the early Tertiary eastern Tethys, Gerta Keller, Chaim Benjamini, Mordechai Magaritz, and Shimon Moshkovitz
Late Cretaceous-early Eocene mass extinctions in the deep sea, Ellen Thomas
The effects of bioturbation across a biostratigraphically complete high southern latitude Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, James J. Pospichal, Sherwood W. Wise, Jr., Frank Asaro, and Norman Hamilton
Extinction pattern of Inoceramus (Bivalvia) based on shell fragment biostratigraphy, Kenneth G. MacLeod and Peter D. Ward
A review of Maastrichtian ammonite ranges, Peter D. Ward
Selective extinction of marine plankton in the Paratethys at the end of the Mesozoic Era; A multiple interaction hypothesis, Yvonne Herman
Rocks, resolution, and the record, A review of depositional constraints on fossil vertebrate assemblages at the terrestrial Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary, eastern Montana and western North Dakota, David E. Fastovsky
Differential Cretaceous/Tertiary extinctions of nonmarine vertebrates, Evidence from northeastern Montana, J. David Archibald and Lauri J. Bryant
The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary impact hypothesis and the paleontological record, Gerta Keller and Enriqueta Barrera
The end-Triassic mass extinction event, A. Hallam
The Triassic/Jurassic boundary in continental rocks of eastern North America; A progress report, P. E. Olsen, S. J. Fowell, and B. Comet
Effects of late Eocene impacts on planktonic foraminifera, N. MacLeod
Geochronology of the terminal Eocene impacts, An update, Alessandro Montanari