Table of Contents - SPE250: Geology of the Solitario, Trans-Pecos Texas
Physiography and Geomorphology
Fresno Canyon
Rim Escarpment
Central Basin
Surface and Ground Water
Surface water
Water wells
Regional drainage
Interior drainage of the Solitario dome
Recent Slumping
General Outline
Basement Rocks
Paleozoic Rocks
Cambrian System
Dagger Flat Sandstone
Ordovician System
Marathan Formation
Fort Peņa Formation
Woods Hollow Shale
Maravillas Formation
Devonian-Mississippian Systems
Caballos Novaculite
Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Systems
Tesnus Formation
Permian System
Paleozoic metamorphism
Mesozoic Rocks
Trinity Group
Yucca Formation
Glen Rose Formation
Fredericksburg Group
Telephone Canyon Formation
Del Carmen Limestone
Washita Group
Sue Peaks Formation
Santa Elena Limestone
Del Rio Clay
Buda Limestone
Eagle Ford Group
Boquillas Formation
Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
Tertiary Rocks
Buck Hill Group
Devil's Graveyard Formation
Chisos Formation
Mitchell Mesa Tuff
Fresno Formation
Santana Tuff
Rawls Formation
Solitario igneous suite
Rim sill rhyolite
Syenite-monzonite porphyry
Ryolite breccia
Granite porphyry
Needle Peak Tuff (new)
Syenite porphyry
Rhyolite vent breccia
Soda trachyte
Volcanic breccia dikes
Olivine syenite
Quaternary Sediments
Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Tertiary Igneous Rocks
Laboratory methods
Age of the dome
Solitario igneous suite
Buck Hill Group
Regional chronology
Economic Geology
Description of Existing Prospects
Prospect E-1-Molybdenum
Prospect E-2-Cinnabar
Prospect E-3-Gold, silver, lead, and zinc
Development and production
Prospect E-4-Lead, zinc, and manganese
Prospects E-5, 6, 7-Manganese
Prospect E-8-Uranium
Prospect E-9-Fluorspar
Prospect E-10-Limonite occurrence
Geophysical Surveys
Gravity Surveys
Regional gravity surveys
Gravity surveys of the Solitario and vicinity
Magnetic Surveys
Regional aeromagnetic map
Intermediate-scale aeromagnetic survey
Low-level aeromagnetic survey
Ground magnetic surveys
Other Geophysical Surveys
Heat flow
Structural Geology
Regional Setting
Tres Papalotes folded area
Tesnus monocline
Righthand Shutup folded area
Solitario thrust fault
Northern folded area
Origin of the Solitario Dome
Hypothesis one-Stock
Hypothesis two-Impact structure
Hypothesis three-Salt dome
Hypothesis four-Collapse caldera
Hypothesis five-Laccolith
Lonsdale's model
Our interpretation
Structural Analysis of the Solitario Dome
Emplacement level
Original depth of intrusion
Structural relief of the Solitario dome and volume of the intrusion
Formation of the crestal graben and subsequent collapse of the central block
Terlingua Anticline
Origin and age of the anticline
Summary and Conclusions
Predome History
Formation of the Dome
Postdome History
A. Maps and aerial photography available for the Solitario area, Trans-Pecos Texas
B. Measured stratigraphic section in the Solitario
C. Ordovician fossil localities in the Solitario
D. Graptolites from Marathon Formation in the Solitario
E. Cretaceous fossils collected in the Solitario and surrounding areas
F. Sample locations and descriptions for rocks from the Solitario igneous suite
G. Partial chemical analyses and minor and trace elements of igneous rocks from the Solitario
H.Gravity and magnetic data acquisition and reduction
References Cited
Plates (in pocket)
I. Geologic Map of the Solitario 71/2' Quadrangle
II. Complete Bouguer Anomaly Map of the Solitario and vicinity, Texas
III. High-level Aeromagnetic Map of the Solitario and vicinity, Trans-Pecos Texas
IV. Low-level Aeromagnetic Map of the Solitario, Trans-Pecos Texas