Table of Contents - SPE251: Late Quaternary History of the Lake Michigan Basin


Evidence for post-Two Creeks age of the type Calumet shoreline of glacial Lake Chicago, Allan F. Schneider and Ardith K. Hansel

Dune and beach complex and back-barrier sediments along the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan; Cowles Bog area of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Todd A. Thompson

Molluscan faunal changes in the Cowles Bog area, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, following the low-water Lake Chippewa phase, Barry B. Miller and Todd A. Thompson

Sedimentology and stratigraphy of late Wisconsinan deposits, Lake Michigan bluffs, northern Illinois, Peter U. Clark and Gregory A. Rudloff

Systematic variation in the clay-mineral composition of till sheets, Evidence for the Erie Interstade in the Lake Michigan basin, G. William Monaghan

Radiocarbon confirmation of the Greatlakean age of the type Two Rivers till of eastern Wisconsin, Allan F. Schneider

Environmental analysis of a Twocreekan-aged beetle (Coleoptera) assemblage from Kewaunee, Wisconsin, Clarke E. Garry, Robert W. Baker, Donald P. Schwert, and Allan F. Schneider

Age and paleoclimatic significance of Lake Michigan beach ridges at Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin,

Tezz C. Johnson, Ronald D. Stieglitz, and Albert M. Swain

Climatic control of lake levels in the Lake Michigan and Lake Huron basins, Gordon S. Fraser, Curtis E. Larsen, and Norman C. Hester

Evidence for high glacial-lake levels in the northeastern Lake Michigan basin and their relation to the Glenwood and Calumet phases of glacial Lake Chicago, Lawrence D. Taylor

A numerical model of glacial isostasy in the Lake Michigan basin, James A. Clark, Harold S. Pranger II, Jeffrey K. Walsh, and John A. Primus