GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 253:

Out of Print

GSA Centennial Articles, Reprinted from Vol. 100 of GSA Bulletin

Landscape analysis and the search for geomorphic unity, Dale F. Ritter

The Geological Society of America Bulletin and the development of quantitative geomorphology, Marie Morisawa

Geological fluvial geomorphology, Victor R. Baker

Dynamic changes and processes in the Mississippi River delta, James M. Coleman

Forty years of sequence stratigraphy, L. L. Sloss

Tectonics of sedimentary basins, Raymond V. Ingersoll

Evolution of thought on passive continental margins from the origin of geosynclinal theory (~1860) to the present, Gerard C. Bond and Michelle A. Kominz

Alpine serpentinites, ultramafic magmas, and ocean-basin evolution: The ideas of H. H. Hess, E. M. Moores and F. J. Vine

Impact of earthquake seismology on the geological community since the Benioff zone, Keiiti Aki

Plate tectonics and island arcs, Warren B. Hamilton

Paleozoic paleogeography of North America, Gondwana, and intervening displaced terranes: Comparisons of paleomagnetism with paleoclimatology and biogeographical patterns, Rob Van der Voo

Paleoceanography: A review for the GSA Centennial, William W. Hay

The mechanical paradox of large overthrusts, Raymond A. Price

Material balance in Alpine orogeny, Hans Laubscher

Strike-slipfaults, Arthur G. Sylvester

Basin and Range extensional tectonics at the latitude of Las Vegas, Nevada, Brian Wemicke, Gary J. Axen, and J. Kent Snow

Seismic imaging of extended crust with emphasis on the western United States, Jill McCarthy and George A. Thompson

Significance of past and recent heat-flow and radioactivity studies in the Southern Rocky Mountains region, Edward R. Decker, Henry P. Heasler, Kenneth L. Buelow, Keith H. Baker, and James S. Hallin

Progress in understanding jointing over the past century, David D. Pollard and Atilla Aydin

Low-temperature deformation mechanisms and their interpretation, Richard H. Groshong, Jr.

The formation of continental crust: Part 1. A review of some principles, Part 2. An application to the Proterozoic evolution of southern North America, M. E. Bickford

The origin of granite: The role and source of water in the evolution of granitic magmas, James A. Whitney

Crystal capture, sorting, and retention in convecting magmas, Bruce D. Marsh

The development of gravity and magnetic studies, emphasizing articles published in the Geological Society of America Bulletin, G. R. Keller

Three decades of geochronologic studies in the New England Appalachians, Robert E. Zartman

100 years of economic geology and GSA, J. M. Guilbert

The Bulletin of the Geological Society of America and Charles Doolittle Walcott, Ellis L. Yochelson

Paleontology and The Geological Society of America: The first 100 years, J. Thomas Dutro, Jr.