Introduction, Efrén Pérez-Segura and César Jacques-Ayala
The relation between the Paleozoic strata on opposite sides of the Gulf of California, Gordon Gastil, Richard Miller, Paul Anderson, James Crocker, Michael Campbell, Philip Buch, Carl Lothringer, Paula Leier Englehardt, Mark DeLattre, John Hobbs, and Jaime Roldán-Quintana
Upper Triassic Barranca Group, Nonmarine and shallow-marine rift-basin deposits of northwestern Mexico, John H. Stewart and Jaime Roldán-Quintana
Depositional environment, petrology, and provenance of the Santa Clara Formation, Upper Triassic Barranca Group, eastern Sonora, Mexico, Isabelle Cojan and Paul Potter
Paleontology and biostratigraphy of Cretaceous rocks, Lampazos area, Sonora, Mexico, Robert W. Scott and Carlos Gonzalez-Leon
Geology and chemical composition of the Jaralito and Aconchi batholiths in east-central Sonora, Mexico, Jaime Roldán-Quintana
Geology of the Yecora area, northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, Jean-Jacques Cochemé and Alain Demant
Quaternary shorelines along the northeastern Gulf of California; Geochronological data and neotectonic implications, Luc Ortlieb
Coal in Sonora, Mexico, Luis Obregon-Andria and Francisco Arriaga-Arredondo