GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 257:

Tectonic History of the Bering Sea and the Evolution of Tertiary Strike-Slip Basins of the Bering Shelf




Tectonic history of the Bering Sea region

Geologic setting
Region I: North Slope block and related continental terranes
Region II: The East Siberian block
Region Ill: South Anyui-Brooks suture
South Anyui zone
Eastern Chukotka and north Alaska
The Ruby Range and southwestern Alaska
Region IV: Beringian margin and related terranes
Soviet Far East sector
Alaskan sector
Summary and synthesis
Regions V and VI: The Olyutorsky collision and the formation of the modern Aleutian arc
The Aleutian arc
The Bering Sea basin
The Olyutorsky region

Evolution of the Tertiary Basins of the Outer Bering Shelf

Introduction and basin geometry
The red surface
Pre-red geology
Koryak Highlands
Anadyr basin
Dredge data
Alaska Peninsula
St. George and North Aleutian basins
Navarin basin and synthesis
The Red Deformational Event: Onset of wrench tectonics
The Red Event
Navarin basin
Wrench-fault mechanics
Pre-red structures in the remainder of the outer Bering Shelf
Interpretation and discussion
Basin subsidence: Outer Bering shelf
Navarin basin
Southeastern Bering Shelf basins and the Black Hills uplift
Navarin basin subsidence history
Structural effects on early basin stratigraphy
Basin subsidence rates
Mechanics of basin subsidence: Summary and analysis

The evolution of Norton Basin, Inner Bering Shelf

Pre-red structure
Basin subsidence


References Cited