Table of Contents - SPE261: Glacial Marine Sedimentation; Paleoclimatic Significance


Sedimentary facies associated with Antarctica's floating ice masses, John B. Anderson, Douglas S. Kennedy, Michael J. Smith, and Eugene W. Domack

Facies distribution resulting from sedimentation underpolar interglacial climatic conditions within a high-latitude marginal basin, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Louis R. Bartek and John B. Anderson

Laminated sediments in prodeltaic deposits, Glacier Bay, Alaska, Andrew C. Phillips, Norman D. Smith, and Ross D. Powell

Ice-proximal sediment accumulation rates in a temperate glacial fjord, southeastern Alaska, Ellen A. Cowan and Ross D. Powell

Grounding-line systems as second-order controls on fluctuations of tidewater termini of temperate glaciers, Ross D. Powell

Glacial marine sedimentation from tidewater glaciers in the Canadian High Arctic, Thomas G. Stewart

Sedimentology of late Pleistocene (Laurentide) deglacial-phase deposits, eastern Maine, An example of a temperate marine grounded ice-sheet margin, Gail M. Ashley, Jon C. Boothroyd, and Harold W. Borns, Jr.

Structural control of deposition by Pleistocene tidewater glaciers, Gulf of Maine, Kristine J. Crossen

Seismic stratigraphy of glacial marine units, Maine inner shelf, Daniel F. Belknap and R. Craig Shipp

The Yakataga Formation; A late Miocene to Pleistocene record of temperate glacial marine sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska, C. H. Eyles, N. Eyles, and M. B. Lagoe

The paleoclimatic setting of the late Paleozoic marine ice sheet in the Karoo Basin of southern Africa, Johan N. J. Visser

Comparisons in depositional style of "polar" and "temperate" glacial ice; Late Paleozoic Whiteout Conglomerate (West Antarctica) and late Proterozoic Mineral Fork Formation (Utah), Charles L. Matsch and Richard W. Ojakangas

Late Proterozoic (Sturtian) succession of the North Flinders Basin, South Australia; An example of temperate glaciation in an active rift setting, G. M. Young and V. A. Gostin

Glacial marine sedimentation; Paleoclimatic significance; A discussion, John B. Anderson and Gail M. Ashley
