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Table of Contents - Special Paper 262: |
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Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola |
Dedication An Overview of the Geologic and Tectonic Development of Hispaniola, P. Mann, G. Draper, and J. F. Lewis Metamorphic Belts in Central Hispaniola, G. Draper and J. F. Lewis Blueschist Metamorphism and Deformation on the Samana Peninsula A Record of Subduction and Collision in the Greater Antilles, J. Joyce Geology, Structure, and Tectonic Development of the Rio San Juan Complex, Northern Dominican Republic, G. Draper and F. Nagle Appendix. 40Ar/39Ar Data and Thermochronologic Implications for a Block from the Jagua Clara Mélange of the Rio San Juan Complex, P. R. Renne Stratigraphy and Geological History of the Puerto Plata Area, Northern Dominican Republic, J. L. Pindell and G. Draper Duarte Complex in the La Vega-Jarabacoa-Janico Area, Central Hispaniola: Geologic and Geochemical Features of the Sea Floor During the Early Stages of Arc Evolution, J. F. Lewis and J. G. Jiménez G. Lithology and Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Volcanic and, Volcaniclastic Rocks of the Tireo Group, Dominican Republic, and Correlations with the Massif du Nord in Haiti, J. F. Lewis, A. Amarante, G. Bloise, J. G. Jiménez G., and H. D. Dominguez Age of Intrusive Rocks in Northern Hispaniola, S. E. Kesler, J. F. Sutter, J. M. Barton, and R. C. Speck Geology of the Maimon Formation, Dominican Republic, S. E. Kesler, N. Russell, C. Reyes, L. Santos, A. Rodriguez, and L. Fondeur Geology and Geochemistry of the Early Cretaceous Los Ranchos Formation, Central Dominican Republic, S. E. Kesler, N. Russell, J. Polanco, K. McCurdy, and G. L. Cumming Geology of the Maar-Diatreme Complex Hosting Precious Metal Mineralization at Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic, N. Russell and S. E. Kesler Sedimentologic, Stratigraphic, and Tectonic Synthesis of EoceneMiocene Sedimentary Basins, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, J. Dolan, P. Mann, R. de Zoeten, C. Heubeck, and J. Shiroma Appendix Results of Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphic Analyses, S. Monechi Structural Geology and Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Central Cordillera Septentrional, Dominican Republic, R. de Zoeten and P. Mann Structure and Geologic Development of the Cibao Valley, Northern Hispaniola, N. T. Edgar Tectonic Evolution of the San Francisco Ridge of the Eastern Cibao Basin, Northeastern Hispaniola, M. A. Winslow, G. Guglielmo, Jr., A. C. Nadai , L. A. Vega, and W. R. McCann Structural Geology and Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Southeastern Termination of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, C. Heubeck and P. Mann Geology of the Azua and Enriquillo Basins, Dominican Republic, 1, Neogene Lithofacies, Biostratigraphy, Biofacies, and Paleogeography, P. P. McLaughlin, W. A. van den Bold, and P. Mann Geology of the Azua and Enriquillo Basins, Dominican Republic; 2, Structure and Tectonics, P. Mann, P. P. McLaughlin, and C. Cooper Index |