Tectonic and Climatic Controls on the Distribution and Quality of Cretaceous Coals, Peter J. McCabe and Judith Totman Parrish
A Global View of Cretaceous Vegetation Patterns, S. A. Saward
Environmental Controls Related to Coal Quality Variations in the Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin New Mexico, Gretchen K. Hoffman, Edward C. Beaumont, and Diane Bellis
Distribution of Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Upper Cretaceous Coat of Northwestern Colorado, Charles W. Holmes and Michael E. Brownfield
Primary Controls on Total Reserves, Thickness, Geometry, and Distribution of Coal Seams. Upper Cretaceous Adaville Formation, Southwestern Wyoming, David T. Lawrence
Sedimentologic and Tectonic Controls on Coat Quality of a Thick Coastal Plain Coal in the Foothills of Alberta Canada, Willem Langenberg, Don Macdonald, and Wolfgang Kalkreuth
Sedimentologic Factors Affecting Mining, Quality, and Geometry of Coal Seams o the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, R. M. Bustin and R. L. Dunlop
Controls on the Distribution of Coal in the Campanian to Paleocene Post- Wapiabi Strata of the Rocky Mountain Foothills, Canada, Tomasz Jerzykiewicz
Structural and Sedimentologic Patterns of the Wellington Coal Bed, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, C. Gwyneth Cathyl-Bickford
Regional Variations in Coal Quality in the Canadian Cordillera, Eileen Van der Flier-Keller and Fariborz Goodarzi
Evolution of Vegetation and Coal-Forming Environments in the Late Cretaceous of the North Slope of Alaska, Robert A. Spicer, Judith Totman Parrish, and Paul R. Grant
Albian Coal-Bearing Deposits of the Iberian Range in Northeastern Spain, Xavier Querol, Ramon Salas, Gonzalo Pardo, and Luis Ardevol
Depositional Controls on Plant Growth and Peat Accumulation in a Braidplain Delta Environment. Helvetiafjellet Formation (Barremian-Aptian), Svalbard, W. Nemec
Depositional Controls on the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Coals of Northwest Germany, Guido Pelzer, Walter Riegel, and Volker Wilde
Upper Cretaceous Coal Deposits in Hungary, J. Haas, E. Jocha-Edelényi, and G. Császár
Coal-Bearing Deposits of the Soviet Far East, V. A. Krassilov
Humid-Type Alluvial-Fan Deposits and Associated Coal Seams in the Lower Cretaceous Haizhou Formation, Fuxin Basin of Northeastern China, Wu Chonglong, Li Sitian, and Cheng Shoutian
Stratigraphic and Paleogeographic Implications of an Early Cretaceous Molluscan Fauna from the Fuxin Coalfield, Northeastern China, Zhu Guoxin and Zhang Shicai
A Review of Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Sequences in Australia, Christopher R. Fielding
Depositional Controls on Cretaceous Coals and Coal Measures in New Zealand, A. M. Sherwood, J. K. Lindqvist, J. Newman, and R. Sykes
Tectonic and Paleoenvironmental Controls on the Distribution and Properties of Upper Cretaceous Coals on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand, J. Newman and N. A. Newman
Paleogeography and Stratigraphy of Cretaceous Coal Deposits of North Africa, Michael E. Brownfield and Jean N. Weaver
The Potential for Cretaceous Coal in Antarctica, David I. M. Macdonald and Jane E. Francis