GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 270:

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The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transtion in North America

The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America. Introduction, Peter U. Clark

Historical Overview of Early Wisconsin Glaciation, Richard P. Goldthwait

The Marine Oxygen Isotope Record: Constraints on Timing and Extent of Ice-Growth Events (120-65 ka), Alan C. Mix

The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America: Evidence from Uranium-Series Dating of Coastal Deposits, Daniel R. Muhs

Wisconsinan Ice-Sheet Initiation: Milankovitch Forcing, Paleoclimatic Data and Global Climate Modeling, D. Peteet, D. Rind, and G. Kukla

The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in Illinois. 123-25 ka, B. Brandon Curry and Leon R. Follmer

Ages of the Whitewater and Fairhaven Tills in Southwestern Ohio and Southeastern Indiana, Barry B. Miller, William D. McCoy, William J. Wayne, and C. Scott Brockman

Reevaluation of Early Wisconsinan Stratigraphy of Northern Ohio, John P.Szabo

Early Wisconsinan in the North-Central Part of the Lake Erie Basin: A New Interpretation, Aleksis Dreimanis

The Sedimentary and Biological Record of the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition at Toronto, Canada, Nicholas Eyles and Nancy E. Williams

Sunnybrook Drift in the Toronto Area, Canada. Reinvestigation and Reinterpretation, Stephen R. Hicock and Aleksis Dreimanis

On the Age of the Penultimate Full Glaciation of New England, R. N. Oldale and S. M. Colman

Sangamonian and Early Wisconsinan Events in the St. Lawrence Lowland and Appalachians of Southern Quebec, Canada, Michel Lamothe, Michel Parent, and William W. Shilts

ThePre-Late Wisconsinan Chronology of Nova Scotia, Canada, R. R. Stea, R. J. Mott, D. F. Belknap, and U. Radtke

Hudson Bay Lowland Quaternary Stratigraphy. Evidence for Early Wisconsinan Glaciation Centered in Quebec, L. H. Thorleifson, P. H. Wyatt, W. W. Shilts, and E. Nielsen

Timing and Character of the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and Northwest Greenland, Gifford H. Miller, Svend Funder, Anne de Venal, and John T. Andrews

The Sangamonian and Early Wisconsinan Glacial Record in the Western Canadian Arctic, Jean-Serge Vincent

The Sangamonian and Early Wisconsinan Stages in Western Canada and Northwestern United States, John J. Clague, D. J. Easterbrook, O. L. Hughes, and J. V. Matthews, Jr.

Varied Records of Early Wisconsinan Alpine Glaciation in the Western United States Derived from Weathering-Rind Thicknesses, Steven M. Colman and Kenneth L. Pierce

Early Wisconsin Lakes and Glaciers in the Great Basin, U.S.A, Charles G. Oviatt and William D. McCoy

A Pre-Late Wisconsin Paleolimnologic Record from the Estancia Valley, Central New Mexico, Frederick W. Bachhuber
