Table of Contents - SPE271: |
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Geology of Radon in the United States, Linda C. S. Gundersen, R. Randall Schumann, James K. Otton, Russell F. Dubiel, Douglass E. Owen, and Kendell A. Dickinson
Sensitivity of Soil Radon to Geology and the Distribution of Radon and Uranium in the Hylas Zone Area, Virginia, Alexander E. Gates and Linda C. S. Gundersen
Geologic and Environmental Implications of High Soil-Gas Radon Concentrations in the Great Valley, Jefferson and Berkeley Counties, West Virginia, Art Schultz, Calvin R. Wiggs, and Stephen D. Brower
Soil Radon Distribution in Glaciated Areas: A n Example from the New Jersey Highlands, Alexander E. Gates, Lawrence Malizzi, and John Driscoll III
Radon in the Coastal Plain of Texas, Alabama, and New Jersey, Linda C. S. Gundersen and R. Thomas Peake
Effects of Weather and Soil Characteristics on Temporal Variations in Soil-Gas Radon Concentrations, R. Randall Schumann, Douglass E. Owen, and Sigrid Asher-Bolinder
A Theoretical Model for the Flux of Radon from Rock to Ground Water, Richard B. Wanty, Errol P. Lawrence, and Linda C. S. Gundersen
The Influence of Season, Bedrock, Overburden, and House Construction on Airborne Levels of Radon in Maine Homes, E. Melanie Lanctot, Peter W. Rand, Eleanor H. Lacombe, C. Thomas Hess, and Gregory F. Bogdan