GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 276:

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Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for Rapid Climate Change in the North-Central United States


Elk Lake in Perspective, R. Y. Anderson, W. E. Dean, and J. P. Bradbury

History of the Landscape in the Itasca Region, H. E. Wright, Jr.

Climatic and Limnologic Setting of Elk Lake, R. O. Megard, J. P. Bradbury, and W. E. Dean

Chronology of Elk Lake Sediments. Coring, Sampling, and Time-Series Construction, R. Y. Anderson, J. P. Bradbury, W. E. Dean, and M. Stuiver

The Varve Chronometer in Elk Lake: Record of Climatic Variability and Evidence for Solar/Geomagnetic-14C-Climate Connection, R. Y. Anderson

On the Precision of the Elk Lake Varve Chronology, D. R. Sprowl

Modern Sedimentation in Elk Lake, Clearwater County, Minnesota, E. B. Nuhfer, R. Y. Anderson, J. P. Bradbury, and W. E. Dean

Environment of Deposition of CaCO3 in Elk Lake, Minnesota, W. E. Dean and R. O. Megard

Geochemistry of Surface Sediments of Minnesota Lakes, W. E. Dean, E. Gorham, and D. J. Swaine

Physical Properties, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Holocene Varved Sediments from Elk Lake, Minnesota W. E. Dean

Geologic Implications of the Elk Lake Paleomagnetic Record, D. R. Sprowl and S. K. Banerjee

Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Studies of the Sediments of Elk Lake, Minnesota, W. E. Dean and M. Stuiver

Fossil Pigments in Holocene Varved Sediments in Elk Lake, Minnesota, J. E. Sanger and R. J. Hay

Surface Sample Analogues of Elk Lake Fossil Diatom Assemblages, R. B. Brugam

Holocene Diatom Paleolimnology of Elk Lake, Minnesota, J. P. Bradbury and K. V. Dieterich-Rurup

Postglacial Chrysophycean Cyst Record from Elk Lake, Minnesota, B. A. Zeeb and J. P. Smol

Vegetation History of Elk Lake, C. Whitlock, P. J. Bartlein, and W. A. Watts

Paleoclimatic Interpretation of the Elk Lake Pollen Record, P. J. Bartlein and C. Whitlock

Fire, Climate Change, and Forest Processes During the Past 2000 Years, J. S. Clark,

Holocene Climatic and Limnologic History of the North-Central United States as Recorded in the Varved Sediments of Elk Lake, Minnesota: A Synthesis, J. P. Bradbury, W. E. Dean, and R. Y. Anderson
