Table of Contents - SPE279: The Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of Peninsular California


Prebatholithic Stratigraphy of the San Felipe Area, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Paul V. Anderson

Allochthonous Ordovician Strata of Rancho San Marcos, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Carl J. Lothringer

Middle Paleozoic Strata of the Sierra Las Pintas, Northeastern Baja California Norte, Mexico, Paula Leier-Engelhardt

Geology of the Southern Sierra Calamajue, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Roger Griffith and John Hoobs

Geology West of the Canal de Las Ballenas, Baja California, Mexico, Michael Campbell and James Crocker

Permian and Lower Triassic Stratigraphy Along the 30th Parallel, Eastern Baja California Norte, Mexico, I. Philip Buch and Marc P. Delattre

Permian Crinoid Columnals from the Zamora Formation near El Vokan, Baja California Norte, Mexico, Gary D. Webster and Marc P. Delattre

Stratigraphy and Structural Setting of the Mid-Cretaceous Olvidada Formation, Baja California Norte, Mexico, James R. Phillips

The Early Mesozoic Julian Schist, Julian, California, Mark Germinario

Rancho Vallecitos Formation, Baja California Norte, Mexico, James Reed

A Reconnaissance U-Pb Study of Detrital Zircon in Sandstones of Peninsular California and Adjacent Areas, R. Gordon Gastil and Melissa S. Girty

Prebatholithic History of Peninsular California, R. Gordon Gastil

Appendix. Whole-Rock Rb/Sr Isochrons of Fine-Grained Clastic Rocks in Peninsular California, Terry E. Davis and R. Gordon Gastil
