Role of Basement Fabric and Cover-Rock Lithology on the Geometry and Kinematics of Twelve Folds in the Rocky Mountain Foreland, Christopher J. Schmidt, Paul W. Genovese, and Ronald B. Chase
Influence of Precambrian Rock Compositions and Fabrics on the Development of Rocky Mountain Foreland Folds, Ronald B. Chase, Christopher J. Schmidt, and Paul W. Genovese
Influence Basement Foliation Attitude on Geometry of Laramide Basement Deformation, Southern Bridger Range and Northern Gallatin Range, Montana, Erick W. Miller and David R. Lageson
Mechanical Behavior of Basement Rocks During Movement of the Scarface Thrust, Central Madison Range, Montana, Christopher J. Schmidt, James P. Evans, Stephen S. Harlan, Eric D. Weberg, Jeffrey S. Brown, Darlene Batatian, Douglas N. Derr, Lawrence Malizzi, Robin J. McDowell, Greg C. Nelson, Mary Parke, and Paul W. Genovese
Deformation of Basement in Basement-Involved, Compressive Structures, Wayne Narr
Basement-Cover Geometry of Laramide Fault-Propagation Folds, Eric A. Erslev and James L. Rogers
Deformation Mechanisms and Kinematics of a Crystalline-Cored Thrust Sheet. The EA Thrust System, Wyoming, James P. Evans
Deformation Mechanisms and Kinematics of a Precambrian-Cored Fold and Fault Structure. Jakeys Fork Structure, Northeastern Wind River Range, Wyoming, James P. Evans, Mark A. Dubois, Darlene Batatian, Douglas N. Derr, Stephen S. Harlan, Lawrence Malizzi, Robin J. McDowell, Greg C. Nelson, Mary Parke, Christopher J. Schmidt, and Eric D. Weberg
Deformation Processes in Brittle Deformation Zones in Granitic Basement Rocks. A Case Study from the Torrey Creek Area, Wind River Mountains, Gautam Mitra
Comparison of Basement Deformation Styles in Parts of the Rocky Mountain Foreland, Wyoming, and the Sevier Orogenic Belt, Northern Utah, W. A. Yonkee and Gautam Mitra
Left-Slip Evolution of the North Owl Creek Fault System, Wyoming, During Laramide Shortening, Earnest D. Paylor, II, and An Yin
Influence of Inherited Precambrian Basement Structure on the Localization and Form of Laramide Monoclines, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Peter W. Huntoon
Thick- and Thin-Skinned Laramide Deformation, Fra Cristobal Range, South-Central New Mexico, Eric Nelson
Basement-Involved Thrust-Generated Folds as Seismically Imaged in the Subsurface of the Central Rocky Mountain Foreland, Donald S. Stone
Linkage Between Deformation of Basement Rocks and Sedimentary Rocks in Basement-Involved Foreland Folds, David A. McConnell and Timothy G. Wilson
Precambrian Basement Map of Wyoming: Outcrop and Structural Configuration, D. L. Blackstone, Jr.
Thrusts, Back-Thrusts and Detachment of Rocky Mountain Foreland Arches, Eric A. Erslev