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Table of Contents - Special Paper 282:

Entrenchment and Widening of the Upper San Pedro River, Arizona



Previous Studies
Cultural History

Surficial Geology and Geomorphology of the Inner San Pedro River Valley

Pre-Entrenchment Alluvium
Postentrenchment Alluvium
Date of Entrenchment
Cause of Entrenchment

Change in Riparian Forest of the Inner Valley

Type and Spatial Distribution of the Riparian Forest
Pre-Entrenchment Vegetation of the Inner Valley
Development of Postentrenchment Riparian Forest

Rate of Channel Enlargement


Climate, Runoff, and Channel Widening

Data and Methods
Seasonality of Rainfall and Runoff
Climatology of Wet-Season Rainfall
Floods and Antecedent Rainfall
Seasonal Rainfall and Runoff
Wet-Season Rainfall Intensity
Summary of Climate and Runoff
Climate, Entrenchment, and Channel Widening

Channel Widening and Equilibrium

Implications for Channel and Floodplain Management

Summary and Conclusions


References Cited