GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 284:

Out of Print

Processes Controlling the Composition of Clastic Sediments


List of Reviewers

List of Contributors

The System Controlling the Composition of Clastic Sediments, M. J. Johnsson

Geochemical Approaches to Sedimentation, Provenance, and Tectonics, S. M. McLennan, S. Hemming, D. K. McDaniel, and G. N. Hanson

Basaltic Island Sand Provenance, K. M. Marsaglia

Petrology of Mid-Cenozoic Strike-Slip Basins in an Accretionary Orogen, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada, K. D. Ridgway and P. G. DeCelles

Provenance Evolution of Upper Paleozoic Sandstones of North-Central New Mexico, K. A. Devaney and R. V. Ingersoll

REE, Th, and Sc Evidence for the Depositional Setting and Source Rock Characteristics of the Quartz Hill Chert, Sierra Nevada California, G. H. Girty, R. W. Barber, and C. Knaack

Provenance Controls on the Nd-Sr-O Isotopic Composition of Sandstones. Example from Late Mesozoic Great Valley Forearc Basin, California, A. M. Linn and D. J. DePaolo

Source Rock Texture Versus Climate and Topography as Controls on the Composition of Modern, Plutoniclastic Sand, W. A. Heins

Intensity and Duration of Chemical Weathering. An Example from Soil Clays of the Southeastern Koolau Mountains, Oahu, Hawaii, M. J. Johnsson, S. D. Ellen, and M. A. McKittrick

Factors Influencing the Composition of Detrital Heavy Mineral Suites in Holocene Sands of the Apure River Drainage Basin, Venezuela, A. C. Morton and M. J. Johnsson

Climatic and Tectonic Control on Sandstone Composition in the PermoTriassic Sydney Foreland Basin, Eastern Australia, P. K. Dutta and R. W. Wheat

A Theoretical Study of Mineralogical Maturation of Eolian Sand, P. K. Dutta, Z. Zhou, and P. R. dos Santos

Application of a Tumbler Experiment Using Granodioritic Grus to Examine the Character of Quartz-Grain Fracture in High-Gradient Streams, R. H. Osborne, E. J. Bomer III, Y.-C. Wang, and Y. Lu

Beach Sands of Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy. Roundness Study and Evidence of Provenance, M. D. Picard and E. F. McBride

Sedimentary Recycling in a Temperate Climate Drainage Basin (Senio River, North-Central Italy): Composition of Source Rock, Soil Profiles, and Fluvial Deposits, W. Cavazza, G. G. Zuffa, C. Camporesi, and C. Ferretti

Variability in Sandstone Composition as a Function of Depositional Environment in Coarse-Grained Delta Systems, S. Kairo, L. J. Suttner, and P. K. Dutta

The Effects of Basin Asymmetry on Sand Composition: Examples from Lake Tanganyika, Africa, M. J. Soreghan and A. S. Cohen

Contribution of Saharan Dust to the Central Mediterranean Basin, E. Molinaroli, S. Guerzoni, and G. Rampazzo

Modern Stream Sands from Compound Crystalline Sources: Composition and Sand Generation Index, M. Palomares and J. Arribas

Toward Quantitative Provenance Analysis. A Brief Review and Case Study, E. Molinaroli and A. Basu
