Table of Contents - SPE289: Paleoclimate and Basins Evolution of Playa Systems

The Importance of Groundwater in Playas: A Review of Playa Classifications and the Sedimentology and Hydrology of Playas, Michael R. Rosen

Major-Element and Stable-Isotope Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusions in Halite, Qaidam Basin, Western China: Implications for Late Pleistocene/Holocene Brine Evolution and Paleoclimates, Tim K. Lowenstein, Ronald J. Spencer, Yang Wenbo, Enrique Casas, Zhang Pengxi, Zhang Baozhen, Fan Haibo, and H. Roy Krouse

The Sudanese Buried Saline Lakes, Ramsis B. Salama

Carbonate and Evaporite Sedimentation at Clinton Lake, British Columbia, Canada, Robin W. Renaut

Paleohydrology of Playas in the Northern Great Plains: Perspectives from Palliser's Triangle, William M. Last

Groundwater-Discharge Playas of the Mallee Region, Murray Basin, Southeast Australia, Gerry Jacobson, James Ferguson, and W. Ray Evans

Sedimentation in Low-Gradient Desert Margin Systems: A Comparison of the Late Triassic of Northwest Somerset (England) and the Late Quaternary of East-Central Australia, M. R. Talbot, Kristine Holm, and M.A.J. Williams