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Table of Contents - Special Paper 291:

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Basins of the Rio Grande Rift: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonic Setting

Introduction, G. Randy Keller and Steven M. Cather

Tectonic Setting of the Axial Basins of the Northern and Central Rio Grande Rift, Charles E. Chapin and Steven M. Cather

Depth and Geometry of the Northern Rio Grande Rift in the San Luis Basin, South-Central Colorado, Charles F. Kluth and Carl H. Schaftenaar

Tertiary Stratigraphy and Tectonic Development of the Alamosa Basin (Northern San Luis Basin), Rio Grande Rift, South-Central Colorado, Brian S. Brister and Robbie R. Gries

Variation in Paleomagnetic Rotations and Kinematics of the North-Central Rio Grande Rift, New, Mexico, Stephen L. Salyards, James F. Ni, and M. James Aldrich, Jr.

Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Sandstone Petrology, and Depositional History of the Albuquerque Basin, Central New Mexico, Richard P. Lozinsky

Structure and Tectonics of the Albuquerque Basin Segment of the Rio Grande Rift: Insights from Reflection Seismic Data, Lee R. Russell and S. Snelson

Thickness of the Syn-Rift Santa Fe Group in the Albuquerque Basin and Its Relation to Structural Style, S. Judson May and Lee R. Russell

Footwall Unloading and Rift Shoulder Uplifts in the Albuquerque Basin: Their Relation to Syn-Rift Fanglomerates and Apatite Fission- Track Ages, S. Judson May, Shari A. Kelley, and Lee R. Russell

Crustal Extension in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Half-Grabens, Accommodation Zones, and Shoulder Uplifts in the Ladron Peak-Sierra Lucero Area, Claudia J. Lewis and W. Scott Baldridge

Stratigraphic Consequences of Episodic Extension in the Lemitar Mountains, Central Rio Grande Rift, S. M. Cather, R. M. Chamberlin, C. E . Chapin, and W. C. McIntosh

An Integrated Geophysical Study of the Estancia Basin, Central New Mexico, Ronald Barrow and G. Randy Keller

Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Joyita Hills, Central New Mexico: Implications of Basement Control on Rio Grande Rift, William C. Beck and Charles E. Chapin

Crustal Structure of the Western Margin of the Rio Grande Rift and Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona, Robert V. Schneider and G. Randy Keller

Winston Graben: Stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonic Setting, Richard W. Harrison

Crustal Structure and Basin Geometry in South-Central New Mexico, Donald C. Adams and G. Randy Keller

Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Sedimentation as Influenced by Intrabasinal Faulting, Southern Rio Grande Rift, Greg H. Mack, W. Calvin James, Stephen L. Salyards

Tertiary and Quaternary Tectonics of the Hueco Bolson, Trans-Pecos Texas and Chihuahua, Mexico, Edward W. Collins and Jay A. Raney

Basins in the Big Bend Segment of the Rio Grande Rift, Trans-Pecos Texas, Patricia Wood Dickerson and William R. Muehlberger