GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 292:

Out of Print

Seismotectonics of the Central California Coast Ranges

Introduction, L. S. Cluff, W. R. Lettis, and D. B. Slemmons

Seismotectonic Framework of Coastal Central California, D. G. Clark, D. B. Slemmons, S. J. Caskey, and D. M. dePolo

Stress Pattern from Late Pliocene and Quaternary Brittle Deformation in Coastal Central California, E. Vittori, S. P. Nitchman, and D. B. Slemmons

Correlation, Ages, and Uplift Rates of Quaternary Marine Terraces: South-Central Coastal California, K. L. Hanson, J. R. Wesling, W. R. Lettis, K. I. Kelson, and L. Mezger

Los Osos Fault Zone, San Luis Obispo County, California, W. R. Lettis and N. T. Hall

The Wilmar Avenue Fault: A Late Quaternary Reverse Fault Near Pismo Beach, California, S. P. Nitchman and D. B. Slemmons

Quaternary Deformation of the San Luis Range, San Luis Obispo County, California, W. R. Lettis, K. I. Kelson, J. R. Wesling, M. Angell, K. L. Hanson, and N. T. Hall

Estimated Pleistocene Slip Rate for the San Simeon Fault Zone, South-Central Coastal California, K. L. Hanson and W. R. Lettis

Correlation and Age Estimates of Soils Developed in Marine Terraces Across the San Simeon Fault Zone, Central California, T. Rockwell, P. R. Vaughan, F. Bickner, and K. L. Hanson

Holocene Behavior of the San Simeon Fault Zone, South-Central Coastal California, N. T. Hall, T. D. Hunt, and P. R. Vaughan

Hosgri Fault Zone, Offshore Santa Maria Basin, California, J. W. Steritz and B. P. Luyendyk,

Shallow Geologic Structure, Offshore Point Arguello to Santa Maria River,Central California, D. Cummings and T. A. Johnson

Seismotectonic Patterns Across a Part of the Central California Coast Ranges, P. Dehlinger and B. A. Bolt
