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Table of Contents - Special Paper 293: |
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Large Meteorite Impacts and Planertary Evolution |
The Large Impact Process Inferred from the Geology of Lunar Multiring Basins, P. D. Spudis Coincidence in Time of the Imbrium Basin Impact and Apollo 15 KREEP Volcanic Flows: The Case for Impact-Induced Melting, G. Ryder Evidence from Magellan for Unexpectedly Deep Complex Craters on Venus, V. L. Sharpton Large Impact Craters and Basins on Venus, with Implications for Ring Mechanics on the Terrestrial Planets, J. S. Alexopoulos and W. B. McKinnon The Effects of Differential Scaling of Impact Melt and Crater Dimensions on Lunar and Terrestrial Craters: Some Brief Examples, M. J. Cintala and R.A.F. Grieve The Crisium Basin: Implications of an Oblique Impact for Basin Ring Formation and Cavity Collapse, R. W. Wichman and P. H. Schultz Experimental Studies of Geochemical Aspects of Impact Cratering, O. I. Yakovlev and A. T. Basilevsky Geomechanical Models of Impact Cratering: Puchezh-Katunki Structure, B. A. Ivanov Hypervelocity Impact: Ejecta Velocity, Angle, and Composition, N. J. Evans, M. Shahinpoor, and T. J. Ahrens Impact-Induced Melting of Planetary Surfaces, J. D. O'Keefe and T. J. Ahrens A Late Devonian Extraterrestrial Impact and Extinction in Eastern Gondwana: Geochemical, Sedimentological, and Faunal Evidence, K. Wang, H.H.J. Geldsetzer, and B.D.E. Chatterton The Conditions of Shock Metamorphism, V. I. Feldman Tektite Origin by Hypervelocity Asteroidal or Cometary Impact. Target Rocks, Source Craters, and Mechanisms, C. Koeberl Impactites from Popigai Crater, V. L. Masaitis Pseudotachylites of the Beaverhead Impact Structure: Geochemical, Geochronological, Petrographic, and Field Investigations, P. S. Fiske, R. B. Hargraves, T. C. Onstott, C. Koeberl, and S. B. Hougen Pseudotachylites of the Vredefort Dome and the Surrounding Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, W. U. Reimold and W. P. Colliston Breccia Veins and Dykes Associated with the Roter Kamm Crater, Namibia, J. J. Degenhardt, Jr., P. C. Buchanan, A. M. Reid, and R. McG. Miller Acraman: A Major Impact Structure from the Neoproterozoic of Australia, G. E. Williams Allochthonous Impact-Shocked Rocks and Superimposed Deformations at the Beaverhead Site in Southwest Montana, R. B. Hargraves, K. S. Kellogg, P. S. Fiske, and S. B. Hougen Preliminary Results of the U.S. Geological Survey-Iowa Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Bureau Manson Core Drilling Project, R. R. Anderson, J. B. Hartung, B. J. Witzke, E. M. Shoemaker, and D. J. Roddy The Zhamanshin Impact Feature: A New Class of Complex Crater?, J. B. Garvin and C. C. Schnetzler Al Umchaimin Depression, Western Iraq: An Impact Structure?, J. R. Underwood, Jr. Origin of the Polymict, Allochthonous Breccias of the Onaping Formation, Sudbury Structure, Ontario, Canada, M. Avermann Pseudotachylytic Rock Distribution and Genesis Within the Sudbury Impact Structure, L. M. Thompson and J. G. Spray Isotope Systematics Support the Impact Origin of the Sudbury Structure (Ontario, Canada), A. Deutsch The Formation of the Sudbury Structure, Canada: Toward a Unified Impact Model, D. Stöffler, A. Deutsch, M. Avermann, L. Bischoff, P. Brockmeyer, D. Buhl, R. Lakomy, and V. Müller-Mohr Lineament Analysis of the Sudbury Multiring Impact Structure, H. R. Butler Sudbury Igneous Complex: Impact Melt or Endogenous Magma? implications for Lunar Crustal Evolution, M. D. Norman Index |