GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 296:

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Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks

Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks, P. Schiffman and H. W. Day

Mineral Paragenesis of Pumpellyite in Low-Grade Mafic Rocks, R. E. Beiersdorfer and H. W. Day

Regional Low-Grade Polygenetic Metamorphism and Inversion in the Northern Part of the Eastern Belt, Northern Sierra Nevada, California, R. E. Bevins and D. Robinson

Low-Grade, M, Metamorphism of the Douglas Island Volcanics, Western Metamorphic Belt Near Juneau, Alaska, G. R. Himmelberg, D. A. Brew, and A. B. Ford

Phase Relations in Metabasites and Pressure-Temperature Conditions at the Prehnite-Pumpellyite to Greenschist Facies Transition, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, S. G. Digel and T. M. Gordon

Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Hydrothermal Upflow Zone of the Solea Graben, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus, L. Bettison-Varga, P. Schiffman, and D. R.Janecky

Pumpellyosite and Prehnitite Associated with Epidosite in the Josephine Ophiolite-Ca Metasomatism During Upwelling of Hydrothermal Fluids at a Spreading Axis, G. D. Harper

Porosity, Permeability, and Basalt Metamorphism, C. E. Manning and D. K. Bird

Chloritic Minerals from Prehnite-Pumpellyite Facies Rocks of the Winterville Formation, Aroostook County, Maine, J. R. Walker and M. P. Murphy

Mineral and Isotope Features Related to the Resetting of Rb-Sr Whole-Rock Isotope Systems During Low-Grade Metamorphism, J. A. Evans

Chemistry and Crystal Characteristics of Pumpellyite in a Metadolerite from the Archidona Region, Subbetic Cordillera, Spain, L. Aguirre, D. Morata, E. Puga, A. Baronnet, and R. E. Beiersdorfer
