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Table of Contents - SPE297:

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Archaeological Geology of the Archaic Period in North America

Cultural and Landscape Change During the Middle Holocene, Rocky Mountain Area, Wyoming and Montana, John P. Albanese and George C. Frison

Middle Holocene Environments, Geology, and Archaeology in the Southern Plains, C. Reid Ferring

Geomorphic Controls of the Archaic Record in the Central Plains of the United States, Rolfe D. Mandel

Geological Contexts of the Early and Middle Holocene Archaeological Record in North Dakota and Adjoining Areas of the Northern Plains, Joe A. Artz

Landscape Development and the Location of Evidence of Archaic Cultures in the Upper Midwest, E. Arthur Bettis III and Edwin R. Hajic

Physical Environments and Cultural Systems in the Saint Lawrence Valley, 8,000 to 3,000 B.P.: A Multidisciplinary Framework, Claude Chapdelaine and Pierre LaSalle

Archaic Period Sites on the Continental Shelf of North America: The Effect of Relative Sea Level Changes on Archaeological Site Locations and Preservation, Melanie J. Stright
