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Table of Contents - SPE299:

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Jurassic Magmatism and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera

Subduction Cycles Under Western North America During the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras, Peter L. Ward

Provenance Constraints for Whitehorse Trough Conglomerate: U-Pb Zircon Dates and Initial Sr Ratios of Granitic Clasts in Jurassic Laberge Group, Yukon Territory, Craig J. R. Hart, John R. Dickie, Dipak K. Ghosh, and Richard L. Armstrong

Magmatic Flow and Emplacement Foliations in the Early Jurassic Aishihik Batholith, Southwest Yukon: Implications for Northern Stikinia, Stephen T. Johnston and Philippe Erdmer

Age and Tectonic Setting of Early Jurassic Episodic Volcanism Along the Northeastern Margin of the Hazelton Trough, Northern British Columbia, Derek J. Thorkelson, James K. Mortensen, Henry Marsden, and Richard P. Taylor

Jurassic and Cretaceous Geochronology of the Southern Coast Belt, British Columbia, 49º to 51º N, Richard M. Friedman and Richard L. Armstrong

Nd-Sr Isotope Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Jurassic Granitoid Intrusives, Southeast British Columbia, Canada, Dipak K. Ghosh and Richard St J. Lambert

New Geochronological Constraints on Jurassic Deformation of the Western Edge of North America, Southeastern Canadian Cordillera, Donald C. Murphy, Peter van der Heyden, Randall R. Parrish, D. W. Klepacki, W. McMillan, L. C. Struik, and J. Gabites

Metamorphism in the Northern Klamath Mountains, Oregon, M. Allan Kays

Timing of Emplacement of the Haypress Creek and Emigrant Gap Plutons: Implications for the Timing and Controls of Jurassic Orogenesis, Northern Sierra Nevada, California, Gary H. Girty, Richard E. Hanson, Melissa S. Girty, Richard A. Schweickert, David S. Harwood, Aaron S. Yoshinobu, Kevin A. Bryan, June E. Skinner, and Chris A. Hill

Late Jurassic Dike Swarms in the Southwestern Sierra Nevada Foothills Terrane, California: Implications for the Nevadan Orogeny and North American Plate Motion, Michael B. Wolf and Jason B. Saleeby

Geology of the Humboldt Igneous Complex, Nevada, and Tectonic Implications for the Jurassic Magmatism in the Cordilleran Orogen, Yildirim Dilek and Eldridge M. Moores

Causes and Consequences of Jurassic Magmatism in the Northern Great Basin: Implications for Tectonic Development, Mark W. Elison

Jurassic Tectonics of Northeastern Nevada and Northwestern Utah from the Perspective of Barometric Studies, David M. Miller and Thomas D. Hoisch

Mesozoic Structures of the Dolly Varden Mountains and Currie Hills, Elko County, Nevada, Joseph A. Zamudio and William W. Atkinson, Jr.

Evidence of Jurassic Tectonism from the Barneys Canyon Gold Deposit, Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, Ricardo Presnell and William T. Parry

Structural and Stratigraphic Development of the Middle Jurassic Magmatic Arc in the Cowhole Mountains, Central-Eastern Mojave Desert, California, William B. Wadsworth, Horacio Ferriz, and Dallas D. Rhodes

Plutonism at the Interior Margin of the Jurassic Magmatic Arc, Mojave Desert, California, Miquette E. Gerber, Calvin F. Miller, and Joseph L. Wooden

Jurassic Thrusting of Precambrian Basement over Paleozoic Cover in the Clipper Mountains, Southeastern California, K. A. Howard, K. J. W. McCaffrey, J. L. Wooden, D. A. Foster, and S. E. Shaw

Middle Jurassic Magmatism: The Volcanic Record in the Eolian Page Sandstone and Related Carmel Formation, Colorado Plateau, Ronald C. Blakey and Roderick A. Parnell, Jr.
