Part I The Bahamas
Introduction: Bahamas Geology, H. Allen Curran and Brian White
Quaternary Geologic History Overview
Depositional Model and Stratigraphy for the Quaternary Geology of the Bahama Islands, James L. Carew and John E. Mylroie
Pleistocene Geology
Bahamian Paleosols: Origin, Relation to Paleoclimate, and Stratigraphic Significance, Mark R. Boardman, Richard F. McCartney, and Matthew R. Eaton
Entombment and Preservation of Sangamonian Coral Reefs During Glacioeustatic Sea-Level Fall, Great Inagua Island, Bahamas, Brian White and H. Allen Curran
Sedimentary Architecture of Pleistocene Eolian Calcarenites, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Mario V. Caputo
Pleistocene Lake and Lagoon Deposits, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Frances M. Hagey and John E. Mylroie
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecologic Analyses of a Pleistocene Mollusc-Rich Lagoonal Facies, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Robinson S. Noble, H. Allen Curran, and Mark A. Wilson
Holocene Geology
New Data on the Holocene Stratigraphy of Lee Stocking Island (Bahamas) and Its Relation to Sea-Level History, Pascal Kindler
Holocene Saline Lake History, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, James W. Teeter
An Imprint of Holocene Transgression in Quaternary Carbonate Eolianites on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Kathleen S. White
Modern Geologic Settings and Processes
Stratigraphic Setting of a Subtidal Stromatolite Field, Iguana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas, Russell S. Shapiro, Ken R. Aalto, Robert F. Dill, and Ray Kenny
Controls on Carbonate Facies Distribution in a High-Energy Lagoon, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Anthony F. Randazzo and Kathy J. Baisley
The Effects of Life Habit and Test Microstructure on the Preservation Potential of Echinoids in Graham’s Harbour, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Benjamin J. Greenstein
Dolomitization of Modern Subtidal Sediments, New Providence Island, Bahamas, Steven W. Mitchell and Robert A. Horton, Jr.
Dolomitization of Modern Tidal Flat, Tidal Creek, and Lacustrine Sediments, Bahamas, Steven W. Mitchell and Robert A. Horton, Jr.
Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Petrography of Soils, Surface Crusts, and Soil Stones, San Salvador and Eleuthera, Bahamas, Annabelle M. Foos and Roger J. Bain
Roles of Organics and Water in Preneomorphic and Early Neomorphic Alteration of Coralline Aragonites from San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Susan J. Gaffey, Victor P. Zabielski, and Charles Bronnimann
Karst Development in the Bahamas and Bermuda, John E. Mylroie, James L. Carew, and H. L. Vacher
Part II. Bermuda
Introduction: Bermuda Geology, H. Allen Curran and Brian White
Quaternary Geologic History Overview
Stratigraphy of Bermuda: Nomenclature, Concepts, and Status of Multiple Systems of Classification, H. L. Vacher, P. J. Hearty, and M. P. Rowe
Pleistocene Sea-Level Changes, Formation of Soils, and Structure
Pleistocene Sea-Level Yo-Yo Recorded in Stacked Beaches, Bermuda South Shore, Dieter Meischner, Rüdiger Vollbrecht, and Dieter Wehmeyer
Bermuda Solution Pipe Soils: A Geochemical Evaluation of Eolian Parent Materials, Stanley R. Herwitz and Daniel R. Muhs
Fracture Systems in Northeastern Bermuda, John K. Hartsock, Donald L. Woodrow, and D. Brooks McKinney