Table of Contents - SPE303:

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Reconstructing the History of Basin and Range Extension Using Sedimentology and Stratigraphy


Reconstructing an Eocene Extensional Basin: The White Sage Formation, Eastern Great Basin, R. F. Dubiel, C. J. Potter, S. C. Good, and L. W. Snee

Cenozoic Basin Extension Beneath Goshute Valley, Nevada, U. Strecker, S. B. Smithson, and J. R. Steidtmann

Paleogeography of the Horse Spring Formation in Relation to the Lake Mead Fault System, Virgin Mountains, Nevada and Arizona, L. Sue Beard

The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: Structure, Stratigraphy, and Sedimentology of a Rapidly Extended Terrane, R. V. Ingersoll, K. A. Devaney, J. K. Geslin, W. Cavazza, D. S. Diamond, W. A. Heins, K. J. Jagiello, K. M. Marsaglia, E. D. Paylor, II, and P. F. Short

Geometry, Paleodrainage, and Geologic Rates from the Miocene Shadow Valley Supradetachment Basin, Eastern Mojave Desert, California, S. J. Friedmann, G. A. Davis, and T. K. Fowler

Evolution of a Supradetachment Extensional Basin: The Lower Miocene Pickhandle Basin, Central Mojave Desert, California, R. P. Fillmore and J. D. Walker

Evolution of the Miocene North Whipple Basin in the Aubrey Hills, Western Arizona, Upper Plate of the Whipple Detachment Fault, R. J. Dorsey and P. Roberts

Timing and Character of Deformation Along the Margin of a Metamorphic Core Complex, West-Central Arizona, I. Lucchitta and N. H. Suneson

Tests of Detachment Fault Models Using Miocene Syntectonic Strata, Colorado River Extensional Corridor, Southeastern California, and West-Central Arizona, K. K. Beratan and J. E. Nielson

Stratigraphic Effects and Tectonic Implications of the Growth of Normal Faults and Extensional Basins, R. W. Schlische and M. H. Anders
