Table of Contents - SPE305: Kinematics of Transrotational Tectonism in the California Transverse Ranges and Its Contribution to Cumulative Slip Along the San Andreas Transform Fault System



San Andreas Motion Discrepancy

Kinematics of Transrotational Deformation

Dynamics of Transrotational Deformation

Eastern Transverse Ranges

Mojave Block Relations

Western Transverse Ranges

Sinistral Fault Offsets
Overall Tectonic Shortening
Troublesome Paleomagnetic Data
Tehachapi Transrotational Domain

San Andreas Motion Budget

San Andreas Timing
Northern San Andreas
Gulf of California
Southern San Andreas
Total Transform Slip
Transrotation and Net Transform Motion

Coastal and Offshore Faults

Southern Coast Ranges
California Continental Borderland
San Andreas Reconciliation



Appendix I: Plane Trigonometric Expressions for Displacements Within Dextral Shear Zone of Sliding Blocks and Rotating Panels

Appendix II: Spherical Trigonometric Expressions for Coordinates of Points Translated by Finite Rotations about Tectonic Euler Poles and for Net Transform Motions

References Cited