Contrasting Sequence Boundary Zones Developed Within Cyclic Carbonates of the Bonanza King Formation, Middle to Late Cambrian, Southern Great Basin, I. P. Montañez and D. A. Osleger
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Prairie du Chien Group, Lower Ordovician, Midcontinent, U.S.A., G. L. Smith, C. W. Byers, and R. H. Dott, Jr.
Lower-Middle Ordovician Lithofacies and Interregional Correlation, Michigan Basin, U.S.A., D. A. Barnes, W. B. Harrison III, and T. H. Shaw
The Glenwood Shale as an Example of a Middle Ordovician Condensed Section, S. R. Schutter
Carbonate Component Chemostratigraphy and Depositional History of the Ordovician Decorah Formation, Upper Mississippi Valley, G. A. Ludvigson, S. R. Jacobson, B. J. Witzke, and L. A. González
Sequence Stratigraphy of an Apparently Noncyclic Carbonate Succession: Recognizing Subaerial Exposure in a Largely Subtidal, Middle Ordovician Stratigraphic Sequence in Eastern Tennessee, D. M. Steinhauff and K. R. Walker
Sequence Stratigraphy and Long-Term Paleoceanographic Change in the Middle and Upper Ordovician of the Eastern United States, S. M. Holland and M. E. Patzkowsky
Extinction, Invasion, and Sequence Stratigraphy: Patterns of Faunal Change in the Middle and Upper Ordovician of the Eastern United States, M. E. Patzkowsky and S. M. Holland
Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician Epicontinental Deep Water Deposits, Eastern Iowa and Southern Minnesota, W. D. Raatz and G. A. Ludvigson
Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian Depositional Sequences Determined from Middle Shelf Sections, Barn Hills and Lakeside Mountains, Eastern Great Basin, M. T. Harris and P. M. Sheehan
An Early Silurian Sequence Boundary in Illinois and Wisconsin, J. Kluessendorf and D. G. Mikulic
Silurian Sea-Level Fluctuations, C. A. Ross and J. R. P. Ross
Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy in the North American Craton, Great Lakes Area, R. H. Shaver
Stable Cratonic Sequences and a Standard for Silurian Eustasy, M. E. Johnson
Middle Devonian Sedimentary Cycles and Sequences in the Northern Appalachian Basin, C. E. Brett and G. C. Baird
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Part of the Muscatatuck Group (Middle Devonian) in Southeastern Indiana, K. W. Leonard
Middle-Upper Devonian Relative Sea-Level Histories of Central and Western North American Interior Basins, J. Day, T. Uyeno, W. Norris, B. J. Witzke, and B. J. Bunker
Faunal Signatures of Middle-Upper Devonian Depositional Sequences and Sea Level Fluctuations in the Iowa Basin: U.S. Midcontinent, J. Day
Origin of the Anhydrite Precursors of Quartz Geodes in the Mississippian Ramp Creek Formation of Indiana: A Test of the Sulfide Oxidation Hypothesis, D. B. Loope, R. M. Kettler, J. R. O’Neil, and H. D. Jones
Relative Sea-Level Changes During Middle Ordovician Through Mississippian Deposition in the Iowa Area, North American Craton, B. J. Witzke and B. J. Bunker
Applications of Sequence Stratigraphy to Pennsylvanian Strata in the Illinois Basin, C. P. Weibel
Sequence Stratigraphy Helps to Distinguish Offshore from Nearshore Black Shales in the Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Succession, A. J. Bisnett and P. H. Heckel
Regional Diagenetic Variation in Maximum-Transgression Phosphates from Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Shales, D. L. Kidder, R. A. M. Hussein, R. H. Mapes, and C. A. Eddy-Dilek
Meteroic Water/Rock Ratios and the Significance of Sequence and Parasequence Boundaries in the Gobbler Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of South-Central New Mexico, T. J. Algeo
Cementation Patterns and Diagenesis in the Stanton Limestone/Cyclothem (Missourian, Upper Pennsylvanian) in the Northern Midcontinent, B. Xiong and P. H. Heckel
Small-Scale Cycles in Winterset Limestone Member (Dennis Formation, Pennsylvanian of Northern Midcontinent) Represent ‘Phased Regression’, R. M. Felton and P. H. Heckel
Ichnology of Transgressive-Regressive Surfaces in Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences, Early Permian Chase Group, Oklahoma, J. R. Chaplin
Comparison of Subaerial Exposure Surfaces at Major Unconformities and Capping Shallowing-Upward Carbonate Cycles, A. Foos
Sequence Stratigraphy on the Craton: Caveat Emptor, L. L. Sloss