GSA Bookstore

Table of Contents - Special Paper 308

Basement and Basins of Eastern North America


Basement and Basins of Eastern North America: A Researce Conference Summary
Paul A. Catacosinos, Albert B. Dickas, David A. Forsyth, William J. Hinze, and Ben A. van der Pluijm

Proterozoic Geology of the East-Central Midcontinent Basement
W. R. Van Schmus, M. E. Bickford, and A. Turek

Precambrian Basement Beneath the Central Midcontinent United States as Interpreted from Potential Field Imagery
Estella A. Atekwana

Geochemistry of Subsurface Proterozoic Rocks in the Eastern Midcontinent of the United States: Further Evidence for a Within-Plate Tectonic Setting
Edward G. Lidiak Midcontinent Rifting in a Grenville Embrace, Ernest C. Hauser

Interior Cratonic Basins: A Record of Regional Tectonic Influences
Morris W. Leighton

Basement Controls on Some Hydrocarbon Traps in Southern Ontario, Canada
Terry R. Carter, Robert A. Trevail, and R. Michael Easton

Basement Tectonics in the Southeastern Part of the Illinois Basin and Its Effects on Paleozoic Sedimentation
Lloyd C. Furer

Recurrent Basement Faulting and Basin Evolution, West Virginia and Ohio: The Burning Springs–Cambridge Fault Zone
Samuel Root

Basement Structure of the Appalachian Foreland in West Virginia: Its Style and Effect on Sedimentation
R. C. Shumaker and T. H. Wilson

Peritidal Carbonates and Evaporite Drawdown: A Case Study from the Silurian Tymochtee Dolomite, Ohio
Charles F. Kahle and Constance J. Livchak

Devonian Tectonism of the Illinois Basin Region, U.S. Continental Interior
W. John Nelson and Stephen Marshak

Some Remarks on Rheology and Fluid Migration in the Paleozoic Eastern Midcontinent of North America from Regional Calcite Twinning Patterns
Ben A. van der Pluijm and John P. Craddock

The Crust of the Northern U.S. Craton: A Search for Beginnings
William J. Hinze
