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Table of Contents - Special Paper 309:

Out of Print

The Late Quaternary Construction of Cape Cod, Massachusetts: A Reconsideration of the W. M. Davis Model



Regional Setting

Geologic Setting
Nantucket Sound and Islands
Nantucket Shoals
Cape Cod
Eastern Offshore Area
Cape Cod Bay
Billingsgate Shoal
Stellwagen Basin
Western Gulf of Maine
Glacial Chronology and Sea Level

Glacial Construction of Cape Cod

Original Glacial Shape of Cape Cod

Holocene Modifications

Phase I: 9,500–6,000 B.P.
Phase II: 6,000 B.P.–Present
North, South, and West Shores and Sandy Neck/Barnstable Marsh
East Shore, Provincetown Hook to Monomoy Island
Geodynamics and Historical Changes


References Cited